DASA and DSTL are holding a Defence Industry in the South Webinar. Come and hear about one of the region’s largest and most visible industries. Find out what is happening in the world of defence from UK defence agencies. This industry is open for business and ready to collaborate.

This is an industry that is open for business and ready to collaborate to handle the new information centric warfare that modern combat demands.    As the UK Defence Secretary has stated:  

“We are in a very real race with our adversaries for technological advantage. What we do today will lay the groundwork for decades to come. Proliferation of new technologies demands our science and technology is threat driven and better aligned to our needs in future”

Fred Sugden

Fred Sugden

Associate Director, Defence and National Security, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Jeremy Wimble

Programme Manager, techUK

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK