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Welcome to Cloud Week 2022!

During this week we will be bringing you news, views and insights from the technology sector on what the next-generation of cloud computing will enable in the UK, and identify core challenges that might hinder the UK delivering cloud-based innovation.

Member Insights
Expand the tabs below to access the latest insights and thought leadership from techUK members at the cutting edge of cloud computing:

Monday - Unlocking the value of cloud

Cloud Week 2022 starts by exploring how businesses are harnessing the opportunities of cloud to make better data-driven decisions and unlock value for customers. 


Tuesday - Public Services

From central and local government, to the NHS and emergency services, cloud and edge computing have huge potential to empower public sector workers and boost efficiency across the public sector. Cloud Week highlights opportunities to support the delivery of public services.   


Wednesday - Sustainability

Cost optimisation, energy efficiency and sustainability are increasingly important to business leaders, so Cloud Week deep-dives into how CSPs are supporting cleaner and greener cloud services. We also consider strategies for consuming cloud services more sustainably and showcase the work members are doing to harness cloud-based digital transformation to improve sustainability across the economy. 


Thursday - Digital Transformation for SMEs

Cloud can be a shortcut to digital transformation for many SMEs and open access to the latest digital tools, but SMEs also experience significant barriers to cloud adoption. Cloud Week looks at how cloud can support digital transformation and boost productivity across the UK. 


Friday - Hybrid Cloud and Edge

Cloud Week highlights how businesses are using hybrid and multi-cloud solutions to combine cloud with on-prem infrastructure. We will also highlight the growing convergence between cloud and edge computing and consider the challenges and opportunities of a broader distributed computing ecosystem. 


For more information please contact: 

Chris Hazell

Chris Hazell

Programme Manager - Cloud, Tech and Innovation, techUK

Sue Daley OBE

Sue Daley OBE

Director, Technology and Innovation

Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Associate Director - Technology and Innovation, techUK