Defence and security programme activity
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Defence and security groups
Our members currently lead the following workstreams. Keep updated on the workstreams by signing up to the Defence Updates below.
Defence SME Forum |
The DSMEF is comprised of SME companies from the techUK membership. The DSMEF seeks to include a broad grouping of different SME companies working in the Defence and Security (D&S) sectors. |
Chair: Dr Andrew Dixon, SVGC Group Limited |
Vice-Chair: Paul Vingoe, VinDo Technology |
Defence Commercial Business Forum |
The Defence Commercial Business Forum (DCBF) provides a conduit for the Commercial professional community within the techUK membership to engage with their Commercial counterparts and other stakeholders within Her Majesty's Government (HMG), principally with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and in particular Defence Digital. |
Chair: Ann Ibbotson, L3Harris |
Vice-Chair: Nick Garland, CDW |
Defence Research and Technology Forum |
The Defence Research & Technology Forum (DRTF) represents the interests of techUK members to Defence stakeholders involved in funding and conducting Research and technology within the UK Defence markets. The DRTF assists the MOD in formulating effective R&T policy and brings greater government awareness to the capabilities within the UK's technology industry. |
Chair: Hamza Huda, Plexal |
Vice-Chair: Stephanie Eden, Airbus |
Information Superiority Forum |
The Information Superiority Forum (ISF) examines information superiority (IS) across the Ministry of Defence (MOD). It leads engagement with the MOD's FLCs and the department's Defence Digital organisation. The Forum gives techUK members insight into the future strategies of key stakeholders in the MOD's information community. |
Chair: Nick Hartley, Leidos |
Vice-Chair: Kirsten Blackwall, Airbus |
Vice-Chair: Stefan Crossfield, SAS Software |
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The Defence Programme works to help the UK's Defence technology sector align itself with the MOD, specifically with the department's Defence Digital organisation. The programme aims to help the sector remain at the forefront of technology exploitation. Our members play a vital role in supporting the MOD to procure digital technologies in a way that generates added value for end-users across the Defence ecosystem, from internal business functions to frontline operations.

Cyber resilience
Cyber resilience underpins technologies we increasingly rely upon, driving growth of the global digital economy. techUK creates a channel for industry to engage with commercial and government partners, promoting growth in the adoption of cyber technologies and services across key sectors in the UK and internationally. The programme provides a platform for engagement between industry and government on cyber resilience policy interventions and supports broader initiatives to grow the cyber sector.

National security
techUK's National Security programme aims to lead debate on new and emerging technologies which present opportunities to strengthen UK national security, but also expose vulnerabilities which threaten it. Through a variety of market engagement and policy activities, it assesses the capability of these technologies against various national security threats, developing thought-leadership on topics such as procurement, innovation, diversity and skills.