Our first Digital Trade Conference took place on 27 May 2021
About the Summit
On 27 May, techUK and partners brought together academics, thought leaders, technology experts and policy makers at techUK’s first annual Digital Trade Conference.
The conference took place over one day and focused on four key geographical areas – Australia/New Zealand/Singapore, Japan, WTO/European Union and USA/Canada.
Following UK’s exit from the European Union and the conclusion of a new trade deal with the EU, as well as a series of roll-over agreements with tens of other countries, the ongoing negotiations with Australia, New Zealand, USA and the impending accession to CPTPP, techUK believes this is a key moment for driving a trade policy with digital at its heart.
During the conference, we also held a discussion around our updated version of A Vision for UK Digital Trade Policy - A blueprint for UK Digital Trade, taking into account both the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also UK’s recently concluded trade deals and other digital-only trade agreements concluded by CPTPP members in 2020.
Some of the key quesstions addressed during the conference were, what are some of the key developments and themes in digital trade? How should the UK position itself in this new era? What are some of the challenges to free digital trade? How do we work together to minimise their impact? What can be achieved bilaterally or regionally and what should be the realistic ambition for a global baseline deal?
The event focused on global best practice in digital trade, what does good look like, what we can learn from each other and how the UK can help drive a vision for open digital trade going forward.
You can view all the content from the conference here.
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