Building a world first commercial quantum-secured metro network
We are on the cusp on a quantum revolution. In the years ahead, further advances in quantum driven technologies, solutions, products and services are expected to bring profound changes to the technology sector. These changes are expected to be transformational in areas as diverse as pharma, finance, telecommunications, construction and civil engineering, as well as for national priorities such as climate change.
However, with the quantum revolution comes a threat to data security from quantum computing. Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionise businesses by making certain types of classically intractable problems solvable. Some estimates suggest that quantum computer enabled security attacks are possible within five years, and likely to occur within 10. But this is not just a problem for the future. Securing encrypted traffic is a pressing problem today because data that requires long-term security could be at risk of ‘store today, crack later’ attacks, in which the key-exchange and encrypted traffic are stored now and broken when a sufficiently powerful quantum computer is available. With communication services being more critical than ever, this presents a significant threat to the way business is done.
A world first
This April, BT and Toshiba, in association with EY, were proud to announce the launch of a world first commercial quantum secured metro network. Connecting sites in the City, West End and M4 Corridor, the infrastructure will be able to link numerous customers across London, helping them to secure the transmission of valuable data and information between physical locations over standard fibre optic links using quantum key distribution (QKD). QKD provides an additional layer of security that complements existing and post-quantum cryptography. The network’s first commercial customer, EY, will use the network to connect two of its sites in London, one in Canary Wharf and one near London Bridge, and will demonstrate how data secured using QKD can move between sites and will showcase the possibilities this network brings to its own customers.
The new network, operated by BT, will provide a range of quantum-secured services including dedicated high bandwidth end-to-end encrypted links, delivered over Openreach’s Optical Spectrum Access Filter Connect solution for private fibre networks. The QKD links will be provided using a quantum network that includes both core and access components and will be integrated into BT’s existing national network management operations. Toshiba will provide QKD hardware and key management software. Optical transmission equipment and encryption cards from ADVA complete the technical solution.
The network extends the point-to-point solution built by BT and Toshiba for the National Composites Centre and Centre for Modelling and Simulation. While other QKD systems and research networks are being built around the world, this is the first commercially ready QKD network to include fully integrated, encrypted data, a complete network monitoring and management system and a network-wide key management system. The network is also capable of deploying commercial services to multiple customers on the same infrastructure. In addition, Toshiba’s innovative multiplexing compatibility allows the data and the quantum keys to be transmitted on the same fibre, eliminating the need for costly dedicated infrastructure for key distribution.
This trial is a tangible commercial outcome of the National Quantum Technologies Programme and provides the first step to a UK quantum communications infrastructure. In particular, it represents a key milestone in achieving the UK government’s ambition to become a quantum-enabled economy.

Jonathan Legh-Smith is Principal, Scientific Affairs for BT. He leads engagement with national research & innovation priorities and is based at BT’s global R&D Headquarters at Adastral Park, Suffolk. He is a member of the EPSRC Science, Engineering & Technology Board and NPL’s Quantum Metrology Institute Advisory Board. Jonathan is also a founding member of UKQuantum, the voice of the UK’s quantum industry. Jonathan directed BT’s Strategic Research programme for over 10 years along with BT’s academic and industrial research partnerships. He was also BT’s Head of Standards, responsible for engagement in national and international standards organisations such as ETSI, ITU and ISO. He is based at BT’s R&D Headquarters at Adastral Park, Suffolk.
Jonathan Legh-Smith - Principal, Scientific Affairs - BT | LinkedIn
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Private Networks User Guides & podcast
Private networks: a new user guide by techUK
Our #techUKPrivateNetworks campaign week celebrated the publication of a new user guide techUK has produced, to help prospective private networks customers, across enterprise and the public sector, understand the key benefits of adopting advanced connectivity in their organisations. The guide helps users as they formulate a business case for investing in enhanced private networks, and the key success factors. We also shine a spotlight on several case studies.
Private network ecosystem: Management model - A new techUK guide
techUK's Advanced Communications Services Working Group created a new guide for organisations considering building out services using 5G networking technology entitled 'Private network ecosystem: Management model'.
It introduces and describes the principles of neutral hosts, and then goes on to describe the architecture and ecosystem which supports the provision of shared services, particularly in the context of high capacity/low latency applications, which will drive 5G deployment. While this paper is focussed on 5G, many of the principles of neutral hosts, and the discussion of edge versus core provision will apply to other technologies such as Wi-Fi, including Wi-Fi 6.
The techUK podcast: Making the case for Private Networks
In this episode of the techUK podcast, we explore the topic of private networks for enterprise, specifically, how we can accelerate the deployment of private networks from beyond the testbed phase and drive adoption across industry and the public sector.
The episode covers the key challenges for enterprise customers that the telecoms sector can address with advanced connectivity services, including 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and how we, the supplier base, can effectively deliver on the benefits of private networks.
Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy at techUK, joins a conversation with Simon Parry, CTO at Nokia Enterprise, Catherine Gull, Consultant at Cellnex and Dez O’Connor, Senior Manager at Cisco. Sophie also catches up with Mike Kennett, Senior Consultant & Head of Regulatory Affairs at Freshwave.