16 Jul 2024

Call for blogs: Building the Smarter State Week 2024 #techUKSmarterState

From the 2-6 September we will be running our annual Building the Smarter State Week and are looking for member contributions.

Building the Smarter State is techUK’s flagship public services conference and the go-to conference for public sector digital leaders. From Monday 2 September to Friday 6 September, in the week leading up to the conference, techUK will be running its annual Building the Smarter State Campaign Week.

Through blogs and case studies we want members and stakeholders to explore the innovation and impact within the smarter state. Each day has been assigned a different theme; we want to explore the most pressing and important topics for public sector digital transformation, from reflecting on the past 10 years and what more needs to be done to create and sustain a smarter state. 

The themes for the week:

  • Monday 2 September - The future of the smarter state: The impact of emerging technologies and how we can solve some of the most pressing challenges.
  • Tuesday 3 September - The last 10 years: What has worked well so far and what more needs to be done to create a smarter state that delivers meaningful digital outcomes?
  • Wednesday 4 September - Legacy IT: How can we reframe this old technological infrastructure and future-proof services for the digital age?
  • Thursday 5 September - Data: What does a data-driven smarter state look like and how can we achieve it?
  • Friday 6 September - Skills: How can we bridge the digital skills gap? Which is essential if we are to sustain and deliver services in a Smarter State.

How to contribute?

All techUK members and stakeholders can submit a contribution. We welcome a variety of formats so that you can decide what would best fit your company. Please note we can only accept two submissions per organisation. Here is what you can submit and some guidelines: 


These will be published on our website as an insight page.  

  • Between 600 – 1,000 words long.  
  • Can include images, infographics and videos/vlogs (see below guidelines about submitting vlogs).
  • Add links throughout your text.
  • Please download our blog submission form here (instructions here), fill it in and submit alongside your content.   


These will be published on our website as an insight page. 

  • Between 3 to 6 minutes.
  • YouTube link or MP4 file.
  • Title for the video and any intro text. 
  • Examples: #1 
  • Email us your video through https://wetransfer.com/. Instructions here.  

*For all submitted content, we require a headshot of each author, a brief biography, and the logo(s) of your organisation/company, so please ensure this is sent alongside all material. 

Please send your submission through to e[email protected] by Friday 23 August. Content that is submitted after the deadline may not get social promotion which is crucial to increase visibility of the submitted work.

You can also follow the campaign on techUK's Twitter and LinkedIn #techUKSmarterState

If you would like to attend the Building the Smarter State Conference, you can sign up here.

Ellie Huckle

Ellie Huckle

Programme Manager, Central Government, techUK

Heather Cover-Kus

Heather Cover-Kus

Head of Central Government Programme, techUK

Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Junior Programme Manager - Justice and Emergency Services, techUK