Call for Contributions | Digital Trade Campaign Week 2023 #techUKDigitalTrade

Through blogs and case studies, we're calling for members, policymakers and academics to showcase the importance of digital trade between 3-7 April, #techUKDigitalTrade

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A different theme has been assigned to each day of the week, and through blogs and case studies we want members to explore Digital Trade Policy Leadership, TradeTech, Data Flows; the Backbone of Digital Trade, digital Trade and Sustainability, and Maximising global potential for UK tech SMEs. 

If you would like to contribute, we would require a blog piece of around 400-600 words, a blog title, and a 150-character description for the sub-title*. You can read our contributor guidelines in more detail here. The blogs will feature on the techUK website and will be promoted via Twitter and LinkedIn throughout the week. Also note, the team can also re-purpose relevant drafted content and transform them into publishable blogs.

The themes for the week are as follows: 

  • Digital Trade Policy Leadership: Outlining what excellent looks like in digital trade policy.
  • TradeTech: Showcasing innovative tech solutions for the digitisation of trade.
  • Data Flows - the Backbone of Digital Trade: Highlighting the latest developments in cross-border data flows and the dangers of the rise in data localisation requirements.
  • Digital Trade and Sustainability: Showcasing the role of digital trade in tackling climate change.
  • Maximising global potential for UK tech SMEs: Highlighting the international success of the UK digital tech sector, the challenges companies face in exporting abroad and the support required.

Please send your blog to [email protected] with the subject line 'Digital Trade Campaign Week 2023 | Blog Submission' no later than Wednesday 29 March*.

*Also note, we would also require a headshot of each author, the title of the blog, and the logo(s) of your organisation/company, so please ensure this is sent to [email protected] asap. 

Sabina Ciofu

Sabina Ciofu

Associate Director – International, techUK