01 May 2024

Call for Contributions: Digitising Justice Campaign Week 2024

Call for contributions! Get involved with #techUKDigitsingJustice2024 Campaign week.  

Are you a thought leader working in the digital justice space? If so, we are delighted to invite you to contribute to our ‘Digitising Justice Campaign Week’, commencing 24th-26th June.  

Over the three days we will publishing insights from techUK members, policymakers and technical experts within the industry, serving as an opportunity to share their experiences and expertise to showcase the impact of digitalization within the Criminal Justice Sector.  

During this time of rapid change in the digital landscape, it is important for us to consider the power of technology in transforming the criminal justice sector.   

As such, it is more crucial than ever that the justice sector grasp an efficient understanding and harness the fundamental capabilities to effectively adopt new technology. Technology has the ability to modernise the sector through enabling transparency, accessibility, and more responsive practices.  


Here’s how to get involved:  

We are asking for our members and stakeholders to submit guest blogs or vlogs that give insight to their knowledge and experience on one of our themes surrounding digitising justice.  

The themes for the week are listed below:  

  • Managing Legacy Systems and Data- How industry can help guide the sector navigate their existing legacy systems and what to do with their data when modernising their capabilities. 
  • AI adoption in criminal justice – How can industry support the justice system in  implementing Artificial Intelligence.  
  • Enabling standards-  What role does technology have in facilitating the progress of the sector’s different organisations,  in ensuring expectations for ‘what good looks like’ are met  to a nation wide standard. 

Submission information 


  • We ask your blogs to be 600-800 words, but please also feel free to share case studies, whitepapers or podcasts! Read the full contributor guidelines here.  

  • Can include images, infographics and videos/vlogs (see below guidelines about submitting vlogs) 

  • Download our blog submission form here (instructions here), fill it in and submit. 


These will be published on our website as an insight page. 

  • Between 3 to 6 minutes 

  • YouTube link or MP4 file 

  • Title for the video and any intro text 

  • Examples: #1 

Video Statements 

These will be published on our social media channels primarily and spotlighted on our campaign week page. 

  • Create a 30 to 90 seconds (max 2min) speaking to camera video, expanding on one of the themes

  • Email us your video through https://wetransfer.com/. Instructions here.  

  • Examples: #1 , #2 

If you would like to be part of our video series and need help/support, we are arranging a recording day at our London Offices. Please get in touch with ella.gago-brookes@techuk to find out more about this.

Please also note that submissions are limited to two per organisation. 

Before submitting your blog or vlog, please download and complete the blog submission form here (instructions here).  

Complete submission forms are to be sent to [email protected], along with the author’s headshots, the title of the content, and an image of the company’s logo as separate attachments.

Please note that the deadline for submissions is Friday 7th June 17:00.  

If you have any questions on this, please do get in touch using the contact details below. 

We look forward to receiving your contributions! 

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Team Assistant, Markets, techUK


Looking for some inspiration?

Digitising justice is a key topic to our techUK members who operate in the justice and public safety sector, including those who are involved with our Digital Justice Working Group. 

Take a look at our work so far: 

Website - Abstract tech background made of printed circuit board iStock-1206097406.jpg 2

Digitising Justice for People

Discover more of our member's digitising justice insights


Or sign up to our digitising justice distribution list to stay up to date with all our related news, events and opportunities: 

Digital Justice updates

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