10 Jun 2024

Carbon vs Cost: Can you retrofit digital services for sustainability? - a blog by TransformUK

Carbon vs Cost: Can you retrofit digital services for sustainability? - a blog by TransformUK

With only one week to go to ‘Carbon vs Cost: Can you retrofit digital services for sustainability?’, techUK’s webinar sponsored by Transform, the discussion couldn’t come at a better time...

With Scope 3 emissions reporting now mandatory across the EU (and looming albeit delayed in the UK), Technology organisations are waking up to their carbon footprint and the opportunity to reduce the carbon impact of their digital estate and operations.

But how can organisations approach this? The first step is often measurement, but simply understanding impact isn’t enough – we measure so we can improve.

This session will really focus on what can we do to reduce negative impact and deliver environmental benefit. To help solve the climate crisis, it’s clear we’ll need to measure while acting – innovating on metrics and updating our capabilities as we go.

How can organisations optimise this process, learning from industry leaders?

We’re bringing together 4 industry thinkers in an informal, conversational style webinar (no slides!), each one tackling this challenge from a different angle:

  • Claire Robinson – Director of Sustainable Business Consulting at Transform UK, passionate about the human side of technology transformation, who’ll lead the discussion.
  • Navveen Balani – GSF Chair, SME on AI Patterns project and co-creator of the SCI metric (now an ISO standard), who'll focus on the use of this metric and the importance of Green AI.
  • Anne Currie – Author of Building Green Software and CEO of Strategically Green, who’s trained thousands of engineers on the principles of Green Software, supporting many businesses to measure and optimise their estate.
  • Gerry McGovern – Inventor of the widely-used Top Tasks methodology and Author of World Wide Waste, a firm believer in holistic environmental measurement and degrowth.


The discussion will be framed around some of the burning questions in our industry:

-    Measuring Scope 3: how can we measure the impact of our digital estate? 
-    Which metrics to use, their strengths, challenges and limitations with best-in-class industry examples
-    Can you use cost or performance as proxy metrics to carbon?
-    Could only focussing on carbon as a metric be dangerous?
-    ‘Retrofitting’ - What interventions have provably reduced negative environmental impact – practical examples across technology disciplines and industries 
-    How can we minimise the environmental impact of generative AI?

Of course we’ll leave time for your burning questions, and would love to continue the conversation after the session.

Sign up today, it’s free and open to everyone!

If you’d like a short primer on the topic before you attend the session, here’s a thoughtpiece on Building Sustainable Services from Transform


Looking forward to seeing you there!



  • Free

Booking is now closed for this event.


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