*Date Change* Digital energy transition campaign week | 9 - 13 January

At present day, we are faced with grand challenges on ensuring the cost of energy is affordable for consumers and that there is sufficient supply. The government is acting to review market arrangements (wholesale market), consumer facing smart devices, as well as delivering a new Energy Bill by the end of the year. All positive steps, however, there is very little information on delivering the legally binding net zero targets, addressing energy efficiency, matching demand side policy to security of supply and measures required to align policy and regulation to enable pace of change in the energy transition.
These three areas are essential and will be largely enabled by digital technology. In this campaign week we will highlight the opportunities government has to establish a clear pathway for successful digital application and innovations to scale. More still needs to be done - particularly in getting the incentives right to encourage energy system actors to adopt innovative digital approaches into their standard operating practices.
The pace for such measures is crucial to achieve the UK energy targets. It largely means a fourfold increase in energy infrastructure delivery over the next decade, where policy and regulation are recognised as barriers. A new digitally enabled model combined with manufacturing-based approaches is perhaps the only way to meet UK targets.
Our Campaign Week:
Examples of the themes we are looking at, but are not limited to:
- Digital technology as an enabler for economic growth
- Intelligent demand side response
- Flexibility services
- Management of micro-grids
- Management of energy storage
- Energy efficiency – the energy network and in home
- Productivity gain and adoption
- Digital collaborations
- Emission reduction and climate action
- Digital technologies impact on affordability
If you would like to contribute, we would require a blog piece of around 400-600 words, a blog title, and a 150-character description for the sub-title**. You can read our contributor guidelines in more detail here. The blogs will feature on the techUK website and will be promoted via Twitter and LinkedIn throughout the week.
*Please note the team can also re-purpose relevant drafted content and transform them into publishable insights.
Please send your article/blog/insight to [email protected] no later than Wednesday 15 December.

Teodora Kaneva
Teodora’s rich background varies from working in business development for a renewable energy lobbying association in Brussels to the fast moving technology innovation startup scene in the UK.