DESNZ publishes first set of heat network zoning maps for England

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has published potential heat network zoning maps for England, more specifically:

The boundaries are still preliminary and will be aligned with the upcoming heat network zoning policy. The new government is still due to respond to the consultation that was carried out earlier this year, meaning that any discussions about sector implications are speculative at this point.

techUK will be working with DESNZ to understand their expectations for potential heat sources and to clarify the next steps. To make these discussions as productive as possible, we ask members with data centres in the affected areas to review the maps and email [email protected] if any of your sites are located within the mapped zones.

techUK has recently published a report on the topic of data centre heat export which outlines the industry’s position on this issue.

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This techUK report underscores the industry's eagerness to actively contribute to heat networks, showcasing members’ success stories and highlighting ongoing initiatives.  

It also entails an in-depth exploration of the practical challenges related to exporting data centre heat that must be addressed to ensure effective and sustainable integration. This includes addressing issues associated with seasonal changes, infrastructure proximity, varying occupancy levels, emerging technology, and potentially counterproductive sustainability outcomes.  

The report was submitted alongside our response to the government’s consultation on the proposals for heat network zoning in England.  

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 Meet the team 

Luisa C. Cardani

Luisa C. Cardani

Head of Data Centres Programme, techUK

Luisa C. Cardani is the Head of the Data Centres Programme at techUK, aiming to provide a collective voice for UK operators and working with government to improve business environment for the data centres sector.

Prior to joining techUK, Luisa worked in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport as the Head of International Data Protection, where she led on the development of elements of the UK's data protection and privacy policy. In her role, she was also the UK official representative for the EOCD Privacy Guidelines Informal Advisory Group.

She has held a number of position in government, including leading on cross-cutting data provisions in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and in high priority cross-departmental projects when working in the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

She holds an M.Sc. from University College London's Department of Political Sciences.

[email protected]
07587 210 799

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Weronika Dorociak

Weronika Dorociak

Programme Manager, Sustainability , techUK

Weronika joined techUK as a Programme Manager for Sustainability in October 2023.

Her role involves advocating for the tech sector in front of key policymakers and stakeholders. Weronika also leads the environmental and sustainability efforts within the Data Centres Group.

Prior to joining techUK, Weronika worked in public affairs and government relations in the legal sector, focusing on innovation and ESG within financial services. She also spent 2 years working as a Caseworker at Parliament. She holds a BA in Politics & International Relations from Queen Mary University of London.

Outside of work, Weronika can be found on a tennis court, at the gym, practicing yoga, or indulging in her love for Taylor Swift's music as a dedicated Swiftie.

[email protected]

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Lucas Banach

Lucas Banach

Programme Assistant, Data Centres, Climate, Environment and Sustainability, Market Access, techUK

Lucas Banach is Programme Assistant at techUK, he works on a range of programmes including Data Centres; Climate, Environment & Sustainability; Market Access and Smart Infrastructure and Systems.

Before that Lucas who joined in 2008, held various roles in our organisation, which included his role as Office Executive, Groups and Concept Viability Administrator, and most recently he worked as Programme Executive for Public Sector. He has a postgraduate degree in International Relations from the Andrzej Frycz-Modrzewski Cracow University.

[email protected]
020 7331 2006

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