28 Jun 2024

The techUK podcast - Digital ethics spotlight with insights from KPMG


As a follow-up to techUK's flagship Digital Ethics Summit, we are pleased to deliver a series of podcasts that dive deeper into the conversations started at the 2023 Digital Ethics Summit and will continue at the 2024 event. In the latest podcast, Tess Buckley, the programme manager for digital ethics and AI safety at techUK, hosts a session with three distinguished experts from KPMG: Leanne Allen, Isabel Simpson, and Caroline Rivett.

Leanne Allen delves into the critical realm of digital ethics, exploring why digital ethics is pivotal in AI innovation and the role trust plays in AI implementation. Furthermore, they discuss active measures to prevent biases in AI implementation.

Next, Isabel Simpson provides a broader view of AI regulation and the role of regulators. The discussion examines the implications of the government's response to the AI White Paper and the EU AI Act, assesses if regulators have struck the right balance between innovation and regulation, and identifies countries excelling in managing this delicate equilibrium.

Lastly, Caroline Rivett explores opportunities for ethical AI in life sciences, uncovering current applications of AI in this field and exploring the intersection of regulation and innovation. The conversation includes strategies for building trust with patients and consumers in healthcare and life sciences.

Listen to the conversation to hear practical insights into how government and industry can better collaborate to ensure data and AI are at the heart of a smarter state.

Help shape the digital ethics discoure by attending the annual Digital Ethics Summit in December 2024!

If you have found this podcast with KPMG useful and would like to find out more about techUK’s work on digital ethics, and AI Assurance and how to get involved alongside members through the Digital Ethics Working Group. Please contact: [email protected] 

Tess Buckley

Tess Buckley

Programme Manager - Digital Ethics and AI Safety, techUK

Tess is the Programme Manager for Digital Ethics and AI Safety at techUK.  

Prior to techUK Tess worked as an AI Ethics Analyst, which revolved around the first dataset on Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR), and then later the development of a large language model focused on answering ESG questions for Chief Sustainability Officers. Alongside other responsibilities, she distributed the dataset on CDR to investors who wanted to further understand the digital risks of their portfolio, she drew narratives and patterns from the data, and collaborate with leading institutes to support academics in AI ethics. She has authored articles for outlets such as ESG Investor, Montreal AI Ethics Institute, The FinTech Times, and Finance Digest. Covered topics like CDR, AI ethics, and tech governance, leveraging company insights to contribute valuable industry perspectives. Tess is Vice Chair of the YNG Technology Group at YPO, an AI Literacy Advisor at Humans for AI, a Trustworthy AI Researcher at Z-Inspection Trustworthy AI Labs and an Ambassador for AboutFace. 

Tess holds a MA in Philosophy and AI from Northeastern University London, where she specialised in biotechnologies and ableism, following a BA from McGill University where she joint-majored in International Development and Philosophy, minoring in communications. Tess’s primary research interests include AI literacy, AI music systems, the impact of AI on disability rights and the portrayal of AI in media (narratives). In particular, Tess seeks to operationalise AI ethics and use philosophical principles to make emerging technologies explainable, and ethical. 

Outside of work Tess enjoys kickboxing, ballet, crochet and jazz music. 

[email protected]

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