24 Sep 2024

Digital Europe Future Unicorn & Dual-Use Technology Awards 2025: Call for Nominations

Nominations are open for Digital Europe’s Future Unicorn Award 2025 and a new Dual-Use Technology Award.

The awards will be presented at Masters of Digital on 19-20 February 2025 and techUK members are invited to submit entries.

Future Unicorn Award
This award celebrates European scale-ups demonstrating exceptional growth and innovation in digital fields and will be presented by Ekaterina Zaharleva, the new Commissioner for Startups, Research, and Innovation.

Nomination Criteria:

  • Scale-up with >20% growth in revenue OR staff over the last 3 years.
  • At least 10 employees; OR €1 million turnover; OR €10 million in raised funds.
  • Operates in digital fields such as AI, Cybersecurity, Aerospace, Energy, Quantum, Biotech, etc.

Dual-Use Technology Award
This is a new category recognising companies that develop technologies with applications for both civilian and military purposes and will be presented by Andrius Kubilius, the new Commissioner for Defence and Space.

Nomination Criteria:

  • Meets the Future Unicorn Award criteria.
  • Dual-use technologies that serve both civilian and military markets; OR have a clear strategy to sell technology to both civilian and military sectors.

Please nominate one company for either or both awards by 18 October 2024, and participation is crucial in identifying and supporting Europe’s next wave of tech innovators.

Nominations close on 18 October 2024 and can be submitted via the form here.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].