03 Nov 2023

Driving interoperability in Policing: what comes next?

Anthony Tarabe, Product Manager, Sopra Steria and JES Management Committee Member has teamed up with Clare Mosely, Senior Product Manager and member of the Interoperability in Policing Working Group to review progress and what comes next...

The Interoperability Group is only midway through it's tenure and is looking to drive some real changes in the industry, with suppliers and stakeholders across the industry collaborating on how we can work together to build interoperable solutions for policing and collaboratively simplify the estate for our customers. We are also looking to help drive best practice through producing and publishing guidance for the sector to utilise.

It has been a good first year, with some tangible progress made against our objectives, and a clear move towards offering best practice, advice and guidance around core Interoperability themes which will be incredibly valuable, and I'm sure will only continue to pick up momentum as outputs are published. With such a large, diverse group,  the in-person sessions do tend to be much more productive than the remote ones, but with representatives based across the country, arranging more regular in person sessions can be a significant logistical overhead. 

The group are keen to ensure Policing are looped into this important work and the agenda the working group is looking to drive. With this, we are looking to engage the forces across the regions. Please reach out to [email protected] if you want to hear more about the work of this group and how to get invovled. 


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