Dstl Survey: Category Management - Cyber and Information Systems (CSIS), Data Science (DS), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Space Systems.
A significant step in the Category Management process is to gather and understand the market insights that impact on the delivery of support on the above capabilities and to gather your views on a range of issues with the aim of helping shape the future delivery of these capabilities within MOD.
The categories in focus (more detail on the capabilities are attached) for this survey are:
CSIS – Cyber, Sensing, Comms and Networks, Information Systems and Electromagnetic Activities
Data Science and AI
Space Systems
The survey link below is looking at your delivery into the MOD on the above capabilities, it will ask for some supplier and market positioning information and this is to gauge the makeup and movement of capabilities within the S&T market.
We intend to gather a wide viewpoint across our suppliers and industry partners using several of our routes to market and commercial teams within DSTL and wider MoD, so your organisation may get this from different sources and we are content to get multiple responses. Please access the survey using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HG6XKK9 or the QR Code below:
The survey will be open for responses until 24 May.
We will be hosting some Open Clinics via Teams (see dates and links below) to invite you and give you the opportunity to ask questions or gain more information or clarity from the Category Management Team supporting these three Categories, these are turn up during the hour events and there is no set agenda.
5 May 2023 – Open clinic – 13:00 commence to 14:00
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 367 531 776 041
Passcode: sz52Cm
Download Teams | Join on the web
11 May 2023 – Open Clinic – 14:00 commence to 15:00
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 326 194 204 932
Passcode: LKseWF
Download Teams | Join on the web
You may have been contacted recently by the Defence AI Centre (DAIC) who are undertaking complimentary research to inform the development of a DAIC Ecosystem Partnership along with wider DSTL supplier engagement. Please be assured that the activities are not duplicating effort and are aligned.