04 Oct 2024
by Ileana Lupsa

Event round-up: Analysing Local Government Tech Spend and Speed Networking, October 2024

On 1st of October we hosted an event on local government technology tech spend which provided attendees with valuable insights into the latest trends in the sector, helping them identify key areas of focus.

Attendees gained a better understanding of the size of the local government tech market, highlighting key buyers, suppliers, and upcoming pre-procurement opportunities. This event was an opportunity to look at the latest local government tech spend, enabling attendees to understand what the key trends are and where they need to focus their attention.

We heard from Alison Young, Associate Director for Local Public Services at techUK who talked about the interesting few months we have seen for the local public services sector (and wider public services), with local elections, a general election, a new government, party conferences and the budget coming, as there has been a certain amount of distraction and uncertainty. This month, the focus is on the budget as we know local government is waiting to see what their budgets are and where, cuts might need to be made, and resources focused. Coming to the end of party conference season, where the techUK team has been very busy! Initial signs are that the new government wants the tech sector to succeed and grow but aligned with labour values - equitable and sustainable with a focus on responsible innovation, especially for the public sector.

Cameron Major, Sales Director at Oxygen Insights, presented data on public contracts and spending outlining the state of local government IT and tech. Outlining key trends we have seen over the past 12 months, to understand the size of the local government tech market, who are the biggest buyers and suppliers are and current pre-procurement opportunities. His analysis gave attendees a clearer picture of the significant players in the market and emerging opportunities. He showed that after the covid acceleration, the ICT spend is now in slower growth in local government over medium-term. The data also shows that the most local gov spend is in health and social care.

We continued the conversations with a fireside chat with Tom Somers from, Director for UK&I at SkenarioLabs and Paul Moorby OBE, CEO at Chipside about the work they do with local authorities across the country and how tech and digital innovation will shape the delivery of local public services focusing on resilience and cost effectiveness.

Cinzia Miatto, Programme Manager for Justice and Emergency Services at techUK, provided a few highlights from their programme’s work which focuses on:

  • Procurement (important also in light of the new procurement Act) – When looking especially at the blue lights markets, the feedback received is that procurement processes are quite hard to navigate – different processes, different frameworks. What we are trying to do with the programme is to “demystifying procurement processes”, supporting those blue light suppliers and providing the information needed – especially when looking at the SME community.

Recently there have been some changes for policing and fire and rescue procurement processes. Some of the responsibilities that were held by PDS and NFCC in relation to procurement, have now moved over to Blue Light Commercial.

Blue Light Commercial, a central body established by the Home Office and Policing sectors to support with commercial services. There is a briefing planned for October 16 looking at what are the actual changes and what is the impact in the market.

  • Digital Skills – in the last years there has been a significant increase in focus on digital skills, across blue lights and criminal justice sectors. It has been recognised the importance of building digital capabilities, not only for those working in the sector and those with DDaT roles, but also looking at upskilling prison leavers. How can we make sure that prison leavers have the tools/skills to reintegrate in the workplace once they leave prisons? So it’s really looking at the broader definition.
  • AI -  which represents a potential game changer for public sector, especially when looking at policing – in the last years the discussion has revolved around live facial recognition, case management, predictive policing, generative AI.

The National Police Chief’s Council lead for AI has mentioned about the importance of looking at AI to make policing more effective.  What we can see in the policing sector in relation to AI there are mixed views. Some police forces that are embracing it and are happy to try and adopt new technologies, while others haven’t started yet or are in a middle ground. Obviously when looking at the sector there are limitations that involve the fact that forces operate in different ways, there are different budgets, but also different approaches at leadership level (it’s a sector that is continuously scrutinised and there is proper fear of failure and of losing public trust). 

Other priorities to look at in the sector are:

  • Data sharing and interoperability – especially when looking at policing there is a lack of data sharing that results in rekeying of data, multiple logins; Data can reside “in-silos” leading to duplication, inconsistency. Hence why we are talking about interoperability, as it could provide access to local regional and national information across multiple agencies (not only policing, but looking at connecting the whole criminal justice system, but also support agencies, NHS, councils, social services). Looking also just at the victim’s support in cases of violence – how can we promote the “tell me once approach” making sure the victim does not have to go through the same story over and over again, which causes distress?
  • Cybersecurity – Another important area especially within policing and fire and rescue services.
  • National Policing Cyber Security strategy – which sets out the priorities and strategic directions for policing.
  • Fire standards – Digital and Fire Cyber Standards

Please get in touch with the Justice and Emergency Services team if you would like to get involved with their activities or their interoperability forums as they have just ended their two-year tenure with the interoperability for policing working group which has done a fantastic job.

Overall, the event left attendees better informed and equipped to navigate the dynamic local government tech market.

We concluded the event with a networking session which allowed members to showcase their innovation and capabilities and how larger companies can improve the services they deliver to local government through taking advantage of what SMEs can offer. It was a way for both sides to expand the network of companies that they work with.

We would like to thank everyone who joined us in London!

If you would like to participate in a future similar event please get in touch with Ileana at [email protected]

Ileana Lupsa

Ileana Lupsa

Programme Manager, Local Public Services and Nations and Regions, techUK

Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

Alison Young

Alison Young

Associate Director Local Public Services, techUK

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Our Local Public Services Programme helps techUK members to navigate local government. We champion innovation that can create truly digital local public services helping to create thriving, productive and safer places for all. Visit the programme page here


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Meet the team 

Alison Young

Alison Young

Associate Director Local Public Services, techUK

Ileana Lupsa

Ileana Lupsa

Programme Manager, Local Public Services and Nations and Regions, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK

Georgina Maratheftis

Georgina Maratheftis

Associate Director, Local Public Services, techUK




Ileana Lupsa

Programme Manager – Local Public Services and Nations & Regions, techUK