03 Apr 2023

Event round-up: Joint techUK / UK SPF roundtable on UHF spectrum

On Thursday 23 March, techUK and UK Spectrum Policy Forum hosted a roundtable on the future of the 470-694 MHz band, focusing on the Future of the UHF Band’ report by Coleago Consulting. 

We were delighted to hear from from Kenneth Concanon, CPG PTD Chair & CEPT coordinator for WRC-23 AI 1.5,  who delivered the keynote speech. 

It was followed by a lively panel discussion. Speakers - Greg Bensberg, Managing Director, Digital 3 & 4;Vaughan John, Sennheiser and Ross Bateson, Director BR Communications, GSMA discussed in depth the post-2030 scenerios identified in the report. These include:

  • Scenario 1 ‘Status Quo’  
  • Scenario 2 ‘Flexible Use’  
  • Scenario 3 ‘IMT600 band plan’  
  • Scenario 4 ‘Transition to IPTV’  
Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK