02 Mar 2023

Shaping the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Technology Strategy and Roadmap - Event Round-Up

On the 21 February, techUK welcomed Matthew Cain, Deputy Director for Technology at the CPS and Victoria Hodges, Head of Commercial, for a hybrid roundtable with suppliers as the CPS gathers feedback and input on the development of their technology strategy and roadmap

August last year, techUK hosted the CPS for an early market insight event on Future Casework Tools. Following this, the CPS were keen to increase their engagement with suppliers via techUK and, as such, asked for the opportunity to meet with suppliers to allow an open discussion and feedback on the draft technology strategy and roadmap.

All attendees received the draft document in advance of the session and were asked to participate in an open discussion to give their views.

Since joining the CPS last year, Matthew highlight 3 areas he found distinctive –

  1. Process is much more iterative. Flows of data are more complicated. For example, data flows beterrn Policing and the CPS.
  2. 14 areas and 54 sites; the CPS is a much more regional organisation. Not everything is centralized with the local footprint very important.
  3. CPS staff with a deep attachment to the CPS – not just public service. With an eagerness to improve support for victims and witnesses. Growing capability in non-prosecutorial roles.

Where are the CPS on their journey?

  • They have embarked on supplier disaggregation and building in-house capability over approximately three years, including commercial rigor. This incorporates learning across central government.
  • Hybrid working has been embedded, with cultural adjustments continuing around what this looks like, but they are committed to using a hybrid balance to support with recruitment and retention of staff.
  • Longer-term cross-sector commitments need to be followed-through. For Digital jury bundles, proof of concepts will be launched, digital case files and soon, upgrades to CPS systems for Common Platform.
  • The Future Casework Tools programme expected to begin imminently. No clear time frame but this will also depend on the spending review.
  • There are significant backlogs in the system, although this is reducing – so shorter term gains remain attractive. For example, the CPS will be going to market for RPA to help with this.

Where the CPS are looking for feedback from techUK members (Draft Technology Strategy)

  1. Does this represent an ambitious and honest strategy and plan?
  2. Do you better understand what the CPS are looking for, when and how they’ll make decisions? We heard from August session, suppliers needed to better understand CPS asks.
  3. Are there particular ideas that exciting or problematic for a supplier?

CPS Starting Point

Matthew gave a detailed overview of the technology landscape of the CPS. Including:

  1. All the technology the CPS need has already been invented and, they don’t have a mandate for business transformation but they do have a mandate for tech transformation.
  2. Although money is getting tighter, technology savings do remain possible. Where there is enough money, and the tech – why is it not being used as it should be? Huge opportunities for future casework tools with lots of opportunities on the horizon.

Time for change

  1. The technology the CPS already has
  2. The way the CPS works

The time for change: why?

  • The CPS will struggle to scale. Supplier disaggregation journey isn’t going to scale.
  • Tactical replacements of what they have will give them later versions of what they’ve got
  • Tactical decisions might cost more than what you begin with. The CPS do not want quick fixes. They will end up “Feeding the tiring treadmill of contract expiry”.

The vision: user-centred technology that helps the CPS learn faster, with lower risk.

Lower risk is important – there is a point at which some CPS colleagues are in danger of talking themselves into being more risk-adverse than they need to be. However, risk does need to be acknowledged. Technology that is secure and works is important, but putting the user at the centre of the system can be dialed up.



The strategy has been written so it can be understood by those on the frontline.  

And how the CPS will get there. For example, cloud, talent, continuous delivery and management, good governance and effective partnerships. Partnerships were called out in the previous strategy but still lots more to do for the CPS to be an effective partner.

The Roadmap

Contract milestones: included to help suppliers with planning. To be able to indicate known expiry dates whilst also recognizing starting points will be more flexible.

Openness around quarterly outcomes. CPS are on a journey around benefits realization.

Making public commitments will always be positive and this will include how the CPS want to be seen to change.

Maturity assessment: where the CPS are early in their thinking and, confident in their thinking.

Following Matthews presentation, we opened the floor for comments and questions from attendees. Matthew also requested that all those who wished to supply written feedback, could do so via the draft roadmap. techUK has shared this with all those that attended the event. However, if you were unable to attend and would like the opportunity to feedback ahead of the set deadline of: COP 10 March, 2023 please email [email protected].

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Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

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