17 Jan 2024

Event round-up: techUK/DSIT Spectrum Sandboxes Briefing

On Wednesday 17 January, techUK and DSIT held a briefing session on the new spectrum sandboxes opportunities. This briefing brought together delegates and stakeholders from across industry to hear the latest updates from DSIT on the project, as well as to take part in a comprehensive Q&A.

Catch up with the event recording below:

Further information 

DSIT has launched regulatory sandboxes for telecommunications spectrum sharing, engineering biology, and space to support a pro-innovation approach to regulation and standards which it says will stimulate demand for science and technology, attracting investment while representing UK values and safeguarding citizens.

Telecommunications: Spectrum Sharing – Radio frequency spectrum (spectrum) is the range of invisible electromagnetic waves that enable all wireless technology, from mobile phones, and Wi-Fi to aircraft navigation and satellite applications The Wireless Infrastructure Strategy and Spectrum Statement outlined that increased spectrum sharing will be a key feature of 5G6G and future networks. The spectrum sandboxes, facilitated through Ofcom’s sandbox framework, will test and demonstrate such sharing between networks, for example, between different private networks used on a localised basis such as in a factory, farm, transport hub or office. This will inform government and Ofcom on the role of more intensive spectrum sharing supported by appropriate authorisation models. 

How can companies get involved / find out more?

DSIT has now published the Invitation to Tender (ITT) for this work, available here. The deadline for ITT repsonses is 17:00 on 22 February 2024

ITT reference: itt_51276

If you would like to keep up to date with techUK's future events and information regarding Spectrum Sandboxes, please contact [email protected].

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK


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