21 Aug 2024

Financial Services Programme – we need your input

Call for input: The Financial Conduct Authority and their work on determining the premium API usecase to enable Open Finance

Last year, the Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (JROC) set out a programme of work to take forward recommendations for the new phase of open banking in the UK.

The report highlighted that continuing engagement with stakeholders through roundtables and sprints is crucial for expanding premium APIs beyond payments. This included further strengthening of the ecosystem through existing tools using FCA innovation services.  

The FCA are keen to explore new services and testing of such propositions with ecosystem participants which go beyond payments account data and will help provide frictionless routes into open finance and are seeking the views of techUK in an industry roundtable and workshop with trade associations. The overarching aim of this work would be to identify at least one premium API use case for further development, for instance through the FCA’s innovation services, including testing standards and infrastructure needed for widespread delivery. 

Please send through any thoughts you have on this to [email protected] by COP 27 August.

Centre For Finance Innovation and Technology: Help us determain our position

The second area we would like member views in order to help determine our position relates to the Centre for Finance Innovation and Technology – formed as a key recommendation of the Government-commissioned Kalifa Review.

This survey relates to their latest coalition, focused on digital identity verification and will help to shape where they focus their efforts to prove usecases for digital ID verification in a variety of settings.

I’ve included the questions on this following form, so please do give any thoughts, no matter how brief, in questions that are relevant to you and your organisation.

Answer the survey here.

The deadline for this is 30 September.

Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Junior Programme Manager - Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Ella joined techUK in November 2023 as a Markets Team Assistant, supporting the Justice and Emergency Services, Central Government and Financial Services Programmes, before progressing into Junior Programme Manager in January 2024.

Before joining the team, she was working at the Magistrates' Courts in legal administration and graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2022.  Ella attained an undergraduate degree in History and Politics, and a master's degree in International Relations and Security Studies, with a particular interest in studying asylum rights and gendered violence.  

In her spare time she enjoys going to the gym, watching true crime documentaries, travelling, and making her best attempts to become a better cook.  

[email protected]

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