18 Mar 2024
by Marilena Gaspari

From NHS Nurse to Software Engineer: story of a career change

In an inspirational story about the importance of pursuing one’s passions, a software engineer describes her move from the NHS to the tech industry.

Eight years ago, I embarked on a journey from Italy to the UK, armed with a nursing degree and a passion for healthcare. Working in a couple of different healthcare settings within the NHS, I found fulfilment in collaborating with dedicated colleagues and providing compassionate care to patients. 

However, my path took an unexpected turn when I stumbled upon some programming courses during my spare time. What began as a casual exploration soon evolved into a deep interest in software development. As my interest in technology grew, I realised I needed new challenges beyond the healthcare field. Intrigued by the infinite possibilities of technology, I made the decision to pursue a formal education in Computer Science through remote university enrolment. 

Overcoming all challenges requires patience and balance 

My time management skills and resilience were tested by juggling my nursing duties, university studies, coding activities and my free time. The workload was often significant, so a daily planner became my best friend for some time. Despite the demanding schedule, I stayed driven by a desire to push my boundaries and embark on a new career path. 

As I neared the end of my university journey, the task of crafting my CV and pursuing my first job in tech presented yet another challenge. Reflecting on my unique blend of skills and experiences, I realised the importance of effectively displaying my capabilities to potential employers. Recognising the value of existing skills in a new setting required effort and reflection. Support from my university, through webinars and events, was invaluable. 

Unlocking the value of skills from previous experiences is fundamental 

Securing a position as a graduate software engineer in a company that prioritises employee development was a milestone in my journey. Yet, the transition from a senior nursing role to a novice in the tech industry was challenging. Overcoming self-doubt and adapting to new and unfamiliar challenges required perseverance and determination. Drawing upon my background in healthcare, I found that my skills in problem-solving, communication and empathy proved invaluable in my transition to tech. These versatile skills enabled me to adapt seamlessly to my new role as a software engineer and contribute meaningfully to my team. 

As I settle into my role, I advocate for inclusive hiring practices and supportive workplace cultures that empower individuals from all backgrounds, recognising the significance of diversity in tech. Diverse teams have a variety of perspectives, leading to enhanced creativity and a more positive work environment overall. 

The power of evolving into a better version of ourselves is within us 

Throughout my career transition, I have met individuals hesitant to pursue their own aspirations due to self-doubt, particularly among women. I believe in the transformative power of embracing change and pursuing one's passions, and I strive to inspire others to do the same. Government policies can help encourage people from non-tech backgrounds to upskill and reskill, supporting accessible lifelong learning and acknowledging the many transferable skills that they can offer. 

I hope to serve as a source of encouragement for others exploring their career aspirations and embarking on their own journeys of change and discovery. Despite the challenges, the rewards of reaching for one’s goals are immeasurable, and I hope that you will make the leap. 

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 Marilena Gaspari

Marilena Gaspari

Software Engineer, Viable Data