21 Feb 2022

Frontline Digitisation – fourth supplier engagement forum with NHS Transformation Directorate

Since July 2021 techUK have been working with NHSX and NHS Digital on a series of supplier engagement forums looking at the frontline digitisation programme. With NHSX now been absorbed into the Transformation Directorate, engagement will continue via this forum, as well as the newly established EPR working group, in partnership with techUK.

At the latest session we were joined by:

  • Paul Gilliat, Programme Director, Frontline Digitisation
  • Anna Hawksley, Assistant Director, Frontline Digitisation
  • Dean Davidson, Senior Programme Manager, Frontline Digitisation

Paul began by highlighting the importance of the Frontline Digitisation Programme, particularly given the current focus on ensuring all NHS providers have a core level of digital services to support wider transformation around integrated care, generating better data, and delivering the NHS Long Term Plan. Paul flagged that digitally mature trusts have been found to run at more than 10% higher efficiency than non-mature organisations.

The presentation included an overview of how the team will help trusts become more digitally mature, including the provision of centralised funding, knowledge sharing, accessing key skills, and providing ongoing support with assurance and standards.

We later heard from Anna on the expansion of the team’s work with techUK, including the creation of the EPR working group to increase transparency and ensure there is a two-way conversation taking place. This working group will meet monthly in addition to the continued Frontline Digitisation Supplier Forum events. The programme will continue to focus on providing industry with updates on policy decisions, the demand pipeline for EPR in England, and procurement and assurance tools.

Dean then presented on the Minimum Digital Foundations programme, emphasising that they are keen to hear from industry on these proposals. Dean spoke to their work to support Integrated Care Systems, and the assessment undertaken to understand the work needed around alignment. They found that there as an absence of a universal definition  for what we mean by a minimum set of digital foundations, particularly for utilisation of EPRs.

More broadly, the Minimum Digital Foundations is focussing on supporting levelling up agenda, and there will be further information and support about determining requirements and how to build niche and service specific capabilities that fit into the frontline digitisation minimum digital foundations programme.

You can watch the full recording here:

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Viola Pastorino

Viola Pastorino

Junior Programme Manager, Health and Care Team, techUK

Clara Hewitt

Clara Hewitt

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK