Guest blog (Littlefish): Cyber Essentials April 2025 Update: What you Need to Know
The UK government-supported Cyber Essentials program has long since been a pivotal framework for helping businesses safeguard against cyber threats.
Regularly updated to ensure it remains effective, Cyber Essentials’ latest changes will come into force April 28, 2025, and all further applications will be assessed against the updated standards.
New in the Cyber Essentials Requirements for IT Infrastructure Document:
1. Passwordless authentication
Following the mandated use of multi-factor authentication in 2022, new technology for account access will be introduced to allow secure identity verification without traditional passwords.
2. Software definition updated
The software definition now includes the term ‘extensions’ instead of ‘plugins’, offering improved accuracy.
3. Vulnerability fixes added
The term ‘vulnerability fixes’ will also replace the old phrasing ‘patches and updates’. This is to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the process of vulnerability assessment.
4.‘Home working’ phrase extended to ‘home and remote working’
Terminology will also be updated to encompass all forms of remote work, including work conducted outside of the home or office.
Updated in the Cyber Essentials Plus Test Specification:
1.New verification pointers introduced
As well as removing the word ‘illustrative’ from the document name, new verification pointers have been added to ensure the Cyber Essentials Plus assessment scope aligns with the self-assessment certificate.
2. Verification of segregation by sub-set added
Guidelines have been added to confirm that any organisational subsets have been properly segregated using technical methods prior to testing.
3. Verification of sampling added
The last update in the Cyber Essentials Plus document is the verification of sampling addition. This emphasises the need for a representative sample of devices during testing and provides specific guidance on how to determine an appropriate sample size.
Why achieving Cyber Essentials status matters:
1. Rising cyber threats
Cyber-crime continues to grow in scale and sophistication, with attacks becoming more targeted and disruptive.
2. Compliance requirements
Adhering to cyber security best practices is no longer just good business sense; it is a legal and regulatory
3. Boosting business reputation
In a competitive market trust is a key differentiator. Clients and partners increasingly seek assurance that their data is handled securely.
4. Facilitating public sector contracts
Many UK government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification as a prerequisite.
Steps to achieve Cyber Essentials Certification in 2025:
Getting certified under the updated Cyber Essentials program involves several steps:
1. Assess your current cyber security measures
Begin by reviewing your organisation’s existing cyber security practices against the Cyber Essentials requirements. Identify gaps and areas for improvement.
2. Implement necessary changes
Address any identified weaknesses by implementing the required controls. This may involve updating software, configuring firewalls, deploying security patches, or formalising your incident response plan.
3. Complete the self-assessment questionnaire
The certification process starts with a self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), which evaluates your compliance with the Cyber Essentials controls. The questionnaire must be submitted to an accredited certification body for review.
4. Undergo a technical audit (for Cyber Essentials Plus)
For organisations seeking the more advanced Cyber Essentials Plus certification, a technical audit is required. This involves a hands-on assessment of your IT systems by a qualified assessor to verify that the controls are implemented effectively.
5. Achieve certification
Once your application is approved, you will receive your Cyber Essentials certificate, which is valid for one year. To maintain certification, you’ll need to complete the process annually and keep up with any new updates to the framework.

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