HMRC Publish Cross Justice Secure Mail PIN
HMRC has just published a PIN to seek industry guidence to help define the requirements of future market competition.
The Cross Justice Secure Mail, previously known as Criminal Justice Secure eMail (CJSM), has been in use for the last two decades and has enabled the communication of OFFICIAL information between assured public and private organisations, including the Crown Prosecution Service, victim support organisations, the police, probation, legal representatives, and more.
The system was re-platformed in 2022, transforming it to the public cloud and implementing a full disaster recovery service, with MS Azure as its host and its mailboxes are on Dovecot. Alongside this, connectivity for Office 365 and Google Suite has since been provided with a partial introduction of multi factor authentication for webmail users.
CJSM users have ready access to seport through a dedicated CJSM Helpdesk (8am to 7pm Monday to Friday providing first and second line support with third line support as and when required) and an information website.
Regarding the operational model of the CJSM Service, the only internal aspects are the information site (owned by the MOJ) and the assurance process new applicant organisations must complete and renew every 3 years.
To express your interest or if you want to gain additional information about this market engagement event and/or procurement, please send an email to [email protected] stating:
• Company Name
• Your Name
• Contact Email
• Sourcing Reference Number
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