08 Nov 2021

Industry Briefing with Digital Health and Care Wales

On 5 November, we were joined by Helen Thomas, CEO of Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW), and Ifan Evans, Director Technology, Digital & Transformation, Health & Social Services Group, Welsh Government for an industry briefing with our members.

Helen and Ifan provided an overview of digital transformation across the NHS in Wales, achievements so far and ambitions for the next year. Setting the scene, they provided information on the strategic context in Wales, looking at A Healthier Wales: long term plan for health and social care. This aims to achieve joined-up seamless care provision across Wales, using a single digital record, provide help for people to manage their own health, and create advances in the use of digital to help staff work more efficiently.

Helen also outlined the current priorities for DHCW:

  1. BIG DATA ANALYSIS for better outcomes and Value Based Care
  2. EXPANDING THE CONTENT, AVAILABILITY & FUNCTIONALITY of the digital health and care record to improve treatment quality
  3. DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL SERVICES to support efficiencies and improvements in the care process
  4. MOBILISING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, supporting joined up consistent care

You can watch the full presentation here:

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Viola Pastorino

Viola Pastorino

Junior Programme Manager, Health and Care Team, techUK

Clara Hewitt

Clara Hewitt

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK

Rachel Kennedy

Rachel Kennedy

Programme Manager Health and Social Care, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK