11 Jun 2021

Industry views on the potential use of 6 GHz for licensed and licence-exempt systems

This document captures industry views on "Pros and Cons of Licence-exemption for WAS/RLAN" and "Pros and Cons of Individual Licensing for Mobile Systems" in the 6 GHz (5925-7125 MHz) frequency range. 

It is an industry views document by techUK with differing levels of input from members as well as inputs from non-members and includes those who spoke at the UK SPF Cluster 4 event on WRC-23 agenda items related to the upper 6 GHz band.

This document is not intended to fully represent any one single company's view but is a compendium of all views that have been expressed and relevant factual information.



You can download the report here

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK


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