02 Sep 2024

International Telecommunication Union releases the new Radio Regulations

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has published the 2024 edition of the Radio Regulations, a key international treaty that governs the global use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. This new version, set to take effect on January 1, 2025, marks the result of a four-year process of negotiations during the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) in Dubai. As global demand for spectrum and satellite resources continues to grow, this treaty plays a crucial role in managing the increasingly complex technological landscape.

Since its inception in 1906, the ITU Radio Regulations have evolved to keep pace with new challenges and technological advancements. The 2024 edition incorporates the latest developments in various radio services, such as broadband, satellite communications, and space research, ensuring that spectrum allocations align with modern needs while reducing interference between services. This treaty remains the foundation for international radio frequency management.

The core objective of the treaty is to ensure equitable access to the limited and shared spectrum and satellite resources. By establishing international standards for radio equipment and systems, the regulations help optimize the use of airwaves and ensure that various services can coexist efficiently across the globe and in space. This is increasingly important as technological advancements continue to drive up the demand for spectrum resources.

A key feature of the 2024 Radio Regulations is the identification of new spectrum resources to foster technological innovation and expand global connectivity. These updates will significantly impact sectors like telecommunications, navigation, and safety across land, sea, and air. The treaty not only supports the next generation of radiocommunication services but also strengthens the regulatory framework to accommodate these innovations.

Future discussions and next steps

Moving forward, techUK will maintain its commitment to facilitating dialogue between industry and stakeholders to ensure alignment with regulatory objectives looking toward national and international debates surrounding key agenda items for the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conferences in 2027 (WRC-27) and 2031 (WRC-31). This includes efforts to update and review the spectrum management framework, accelerate innovation in spectrum management and sharing, and support network evolution and convergence.

These priorities will be integrated into ongoing discussions around Ofcom’s future Plan of Work, spectrum sharing initiatives, developments in the upper 6 GHz band, and the ongoing Fees Review Work. techUK will also continue to support the creation and utilization of regulatory sandboxes, which provide a controlled environment for testing new technologies and approaches within the regulatory framework. These efforts will help ensure that the UK's regulatory landscape remains adaptive and supportive of innovation.

One of the primary agenda items for WRC-27 will be the exploration of space and satellite telecommunications. This will be a crucial area of focus as the global demand for spectrum continues to grow, and new technologies such as 6G emerge. Influence in those matters will arise through the latest developments and trends in spectrum identification and utilization, particularly those emerging from the CEPT ECC (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) and the EU RSPG (Radio Spectrum Policy Group).

To strengthen the UK's presence in international forums, it is equally important to address various science-related issues, including space weather, sea surface temperature monitoring, and lunar communications. By facilitating discussions and providing a platform for experts to share insights on these critical topics, techUK aims to keep the UK at the forefront of international radiocommunication policy and innovation, while promoting a diverse and inclusive dialogue.


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Jaynesh Patel

Jaynesh Patel

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