11 Oct 2023

Join the techUK Climate Council

Members are invited to put themselves forward to sit on the body that sets the strategic direction and thinking on tech and climate change.

techUK is inviting members to put themselves forward to join the Climate Council, the elected body of members that decides what techUK thinks, does and says on climate. This can include setting our messaging and policy positions, figuring out what to think on issues like offsetting, what standards to adopt and also acts as a convening body to network and share best practice and insights. And with an election which promises to put net zero front and centre it will be a really exciting time to get involved.

The Council sits for a fixed two-year term and the newly elected Council will select the Chair/Deputy Chair and also agree on deliverables, meeting frequency etc. For illustrative purposes the last Council met for 2 hours every 2 months with ad-hoc calls and meetings in between. We also ask members remain committed and are able to support the work of the Council by attending calls, acting as a sounding board and being proactive with ideas and taking part.

Any member is eligible to apply regardless of company size, seniority, or job function (current members include engineers, directors, founders, sustainability experts, policy/public affairs people, technologists, lawyers, strategists, business development, marketing and client relationship managers), but spaces are limited to 1 representative per company. 

Should we be inundated with applications we will run an election (1 vote per member firm) for members registered across our Climate, Environment and Sustainability mailing lists.

The timeline and process is below:

  • Nominate yourself by emailing your name/job title/company to [email protected] by 27 October. You are also invited to send a 75-word statement on why you think you’d be a good fit.
  • Should we receive >30 applicants we will run an election 1 November - 10 November (1 vote per member company registered for the Climate, Environment and Sustainability Programme mailing lists).

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

techUK - Committed to Climate Action

Visit our Climate Action Hub to learn more or to register for regular updates.

By 2030, digital technology can cut global emissions by 15%. Cloud computing, 5G, AI and IoT have the potential to support dramatic reductions in carbon emissions in sectors such as transport, agriculture, and manufacturing. techUK is working to foster the right policy framework and leadership so we can all play our part. For more information on how techUK can support you, please visit our Climate Action Hub and click ‘contact us’.

Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities from our Climate, Environment and Sustainability programme.

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Climate, Environment and Sustainability

Learn more about our Climate, Environment and Sustainability programme, register for events and join related groups here.

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Contact the team

Weronika Dorociak

Weronika Dorociak

Programme Manager, Sustainability , techUK

Craig Melson

Craig Melson

Associate Director for Climate, Environment and Sustainability, techUK

Lucas Banach

Lucas Banach

Programme Assistant, Data Centres, Climate, Environment and Sustainability, Market Access, techUK