05 Mar 2024
by Samuel Ajiboyede

Let’s Talk A Culture of Equity In The Workplace 

Today, let’s talk about equity in the workplace. Since the conversations about equity, diversion and inclusion in the workplace started becoming recurrent, a lot of employers have adopted the culture (at least they say they have). You will find on a lot of company websites, statements to suggest that they have an inclusive culture, and do not discriminate in their recruitments.  

A culture of equity is crucial for both employee satisfaction and overall business success, so no doubt, we should be pleased. However, maybe we should be concerned about how much they really do beyond the information on their website. Can the employees attest to an inclusive culture? Are there employees that think that playing office politics is critical to getting promotions and opportunities? 

Equity goes beyond the concept of equality, emphasizing fairness and justice in the distribution of opportunities and resources. In the workplace, it involves recognizing and addressing systemic barriers that may disproportionately affect certain groups. Equity strives to level the playing field, ensuring that every employee has the chance to thrive and contribute to their full potential. 

If you are trying to build a culture of equity in your workplace, here are some things I think should be key.  

Leadership Commitment 

Leadership plays a pivotal role in setting the tone for an equitable workplace. Executives and managers should demonstrate a genuine commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through both words and actions. When employees see, sense and feel the leadership commitment to ensuring equity, they will understand that it is no longer “business as usual”.  

It is important that they see it at play because they clearly cannot read your minds. Implementing policies that promote fairness and addressing any existing biases within the organization are crucial steps toward building an equitable culture. 

Inclusive Policies and Practices 

Review and update HR policies to eliminate any unintentional biases. This includes recruitment, promotion, and performance evaluation processes. Also, implement flexible work arrangements to accommodate diverse needs, such as remote work options, flexible hours, and parental leave policies. 

Diverse Representation 

Look into having diverse representation at all levels. This involves recruiting and promoting individuals from various backgrounds, ensuring that decision-making bodies reflect the diversity of the workforce. Try to have this diversity on the management team, on the board, etc.  Encourage employee resource groups to provide support and a sense of community for underrepresented employees. 

Education and Training 

Offer regular diversity, equity, and inclusion training for all employees to raise awareness of unconscious biases and promote cultural competence. Provide leadership training that emphasizes the importance of equity and inclusion in decision-making processes. 

Open the Communication lines 

Foster a culture of open communication where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns about equity issues. Establish channels for anonymous feedback to encourage honest input and address potential concerns without fear of reprisal. 

Address behaviours that are inconsistent with EDI principles through education, understanding and awareness, and support people who challenge such behaviour. Identifying and address appropriate EDI learning and development needs at all levels within an organisation 

Equal Access to Development Opportunities 

Ensure that all employees have equal access to professional development opportunities, mentorship programs, and training initiatives. Create clear pathways for career advancement, with a focus on eliminating barriers that may hinder certain individuals' progress. 

What does the law say about it? 

The New UK Code of Practice on Equality, Diversity And Inclusion (EDI) In The Workplace provides some guidance and tools that help. Key among the recommendations is that the leadership of the organisation must demonstrate commitment to EDI at all levels, and even in their recruitment and retention strategies.  

Graham Mitchell (Clyde & Co) and CorEDEinna Harris (Clyde & Co) did some explanation of this code in their article. What I find most practical is their recommendation that employers will have to apply a phased approach in their implementations to avoid sudden shockers. Employers also need to have means or tools with which they track their progress or results.  


Without clear metrics of measuring results, you may just discover that the company is carrying out several activities any clear movement in their desired direction.  

Building an equitable workplace culture is an ongoing process that requires commitment, awareness, and continuous improvement. Organizations that prioritize equity not only enhance the well-being of their employees but also position themselves as leaders in their industries. By embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment, businesses can unlock the full potential of their workforce and contribute to a more just and equitable society. 

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Samuel Ajiboyede

Samuel Ajiboyede

Founder & Group CEO, Zido