Scotland: Moving from allyship to advocacy
Scottish Government's Chief Entrepreneurial Adviser Mark Logan and Barbara Mills, Deputy Programme Director for CivTech and Programme Manager for the Scottish Government sit down with techUK's Head of Skills, Talent & Diversity, Nimmi Patel to discuss Pathways: an independent review into women in entrepreneurship in Scotland.
Watch the conversation here:
The report was commissioned by the Scottish Government to investigate the under-participation of women in entrepreneurship and identify ways to unlock the untapped potential. The conversation explores the importance of equal participation and the necessity of such a report. Formally-defined pathways into entrepreneurship are unclear, while informal pathways and networks underserve women.
The report has proposed 31 recommendations to help close the gender gap and boost Scotland’s economy. These recommendations range from providing start-up training and support, tailored funding and quotas to ensure women get a fair share of investment. Other proposals include providing start-up training and support in a range of pop-up locations to help more women, and other primary care givers, access services. such as tailored funding packages, attention to diversity in education, and quotas to ensure women get proper recognition and a fair share of investment.
CivTech is a Scottish Government programme that brings people from the public, private and third sectors together to build things that make the world a better place. They take real problems faced by government departments, public sector organisations and charities, and invite anyone with a brilliant idea to work hand-in-hand to create the solution. At the heart of the programme is the Innovation Flow, which centres around an intense 15-week Accelerator. Innovative and ambitious teams, selected through an open and straightforward process, are paid to build working prototypes — and receive a huge amount of business growth support. The next challenge is being launched in late June 2023.
For more information, please visit our Women in Tech hub.

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