New report: Integrating Connected and Autonomous Mobility into the UK transport system
Today marks the launch of a new report, produced by a collaboration between techUK and Frazer-Nash, which sets out the data, telecoms, and cyber security measures needed to achieve the successful integration of CAM into the UK transport system. This report brings together views and inputs from across techUK’s Self-Driving Vehicles Working Group and presents a vision for the Connected and Autonomous Mobility sector by 2035. The key areas of focus for digital infrastructure recommended by the techUK Self-Driving Vehicles Working Group are summarised as:
- Gaining industry consensus on best practices and potential standards for sharing data to enable enhanced connected AV services as part of MaaS.
- Linking CAM cyber security to standards for other digital systems to allow consistent operation across the network and learning from evolving threats.
- Driving standardisation and best practice with the requirements for the right data, at the right time, for the right reasons, to maximise valuable insights gained, and build in adaptability to changing technology whilst enabling rather than stifling technology roll-out across developers and regions.
- Measure the success of connectivity on the meeting of service needs, rather than coverage across the country.
If you would like to get involved in techUK’s Self-Driving Vehicles Working Group or have any questions about the report, please email [email protected]
Many thanks to all members of the Working Group who contributed!
Read the report here: