25 Oct 2022

New working group to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Nominations are now OPEN! techUK is launching a new working group, ‘VAWG Digital & Technology Working Group’ in partnership with the VAWG Taskforce (National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), College of Policing, National Crime Agency (NCA) TRACER team) and local policing partners, to tackle the barriers and challenges in Policing’s response to VAWG

The working group will act as a platform for collaboration between the technology sector and the above partners and will support in the delivery of the VAWG Digital Strategic Intent that has been developed. There are three strategic objectives highlighted in the DSI which include:

  1. Improving the interface between policing and the public and, create a single VAWG reporting route, which will enable victims to report and access the support they need.
  2. Adopt, adapt and upscale products that develop a digitally competent, confident and capable workforce in order to relentlessly pursue perpetrators and support victims.
  3. Make offender-hostile online environments. Tech providers to challenge and address sexism and misogyny; designing out VAWG in online spaces and within the tech industry developing an ‘upstander’ culture.

This working group will engage techUK members across the above three strategic objectives which are underpinned by building a dynamic intelligence picture on threats and opportunities which can prevent VAWG, pursue perpetrators and deliver better outcomes for victims.

techUK’s partnership with Policing (VAWG) will be launched on the 8th November at a roundtable with Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth.

If you would like to put yourself forward for a place on this working group, please follow these steps:

  1. Read the terms of reference: (downloadable word doc)
  2. Complete this form: (see link to the form here)
  3. Please submit your form (via the link above) by midday Monday 7 November 2022

Please note, we cannot guarantee you a place on this group. This will depend on how many members put themselves forward. We are allowing 18 spaces on the group with 6 of these reserved for SME’s. You can personally put yourself forward for both groups or you can put yourself forward for one, and a team member can put themselves forward for the other. 

Please note, by nominating yourself to join this working group, you commit to working across all 3 strategic objectives listed above. This is an action driven working group with the expectation for work to take place via the working group but, also outside the group. By nominating yourself for this group you agree to the terms of reference. Consistent attendance is expected as is your active participation in every meeting. Attendance will be monitored.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jago in the first instance.

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK