Ofcom are implementing changes to licence exemption regulations for short range devices

Hot on the heels of their spectrum management strategy today Ofcom published their proposals to make new licence-exemption regulations to implement policy decisions regarding the use of short range devices (SRDs).

Examples of SRDs include smart meters, wifi routers and internet of things (IOT) devices. 

The proposed regulations would make the following changes:

  • expand the amount of spectrum available for Wi-Fi in the 6 GHz band and update technical requirements for wifi routers;
  • implement the European Commission decision to harmonise the 874 to 876 and 915 to 921 MHz spectrum bands for SRDs.

Ofcom are also consulting on proposals to:

  • make changes to the 870 to 874.4 MHz band to make it more usable by data networks; and
  • move from a licence-exempt to a licensed approach for higher power wideband transmission – such as for wireless broadband – in the 57 to 71 GHz band.

Submitting comments

The main document is 59 pages long, there are three questions within the consultation response document and the deadline to respond is 29 January 2021. techUK will engage members regarding our response. If you would like to get involved please contact Jo O'Riordan.

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK