06 Sep 2024

Opportunity: Ethical use of data and technologies guidance

Have your say! The College of Policing are consulting on new guidance for data ethics and data driven technologies in policing.

The College are looking to gather views from techUK members, via a workshop in October, on whether the guidance is clear and easy to use and what the impact might be.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please email [email protected] by 5pm, 17 September 2024

Read the data ethics APP consultation

Read the data-driven technologies APP consultation

Advances in technology means policing can be more effective, efficient, and deliver a better service to the public. Automatic number plate recognition and live facial recognition are already used to support officers to detect and investigate crime.

Policing want to be able to use the latest technology, like automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to investigate and prevent crime, protect the public and free up officers’ time by cutting administration

If forces are using technology, the public must have trust and confidence that they are doing this for the right reasons. That means using it in a consistent, ethical, and lawful way that supports them to catch criminals and keep people safe. They also need to be transparent about how they  are using it.

Code of Ethics was released in January, which has renewed interest in how data is collected, stored, and used by the police. It follows the new national standards for police information management and the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s science and technology strategy.(opens an external website in the same tab)

The College is building on the work in this area by seeking feedback on two new authorised professional practices (APP) on data ethics and data-driven technologies.

Data ethics 

Data ethics helps identify and manage ethical issues or decisions from the beginning of any process that uses data.

The responsible and ethical use of data protects the privacy and wellbeing of individuals and communities. The data ethics APP provides forces with guidance on collecting, storing, sharing and processing data.

Data-driven technologies 

Data-driven technologies can support policing to make timely, effective and efficient decisions. This helps to reduce crime and keep people safe.

The data-driven technologies APP ensures consistency when introducing technology that processes data, supporting innovation whilst striking a balance with the needs of operational policing.

Policing can make huge gains in productivity by turning to technology so that they can spot crime trends without officers having to trawl through thousands of pieces of data.

Using data-driven insights and innovation will mean officers can make their organisations more efficient and effective so that more time can be spent on front-line policing to keep the public safe.

The College are looking to gather views from techUK members, via a workshop in October, on whether the guidance is clear and easy to use and what the impact might be.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please email [email protected] by 5pm, 17 September 2024

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK

Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, then becoming Head of Programme in January 2022.

Georgie leads techUK's engagement and activity across our blue light and criminal justice services, engaging with industry and stakeholders to unlock innovation, problem solve, future gaze and highlight the vital role technology plays in the delivery of critical public safety and justice services. The JES programme represents suppliers by creating a voice for those who are selling or looking to break into and navigate the blue light and criminal justice markets.

Prior to joining techUK, Georgie spent 4 and a half years managing a Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) in Westminster. She worked closely with the Metropolitan Police and London borough councils to prevent and reduce the impact of crime on the business community. Her work ranged from the impact of low-level street crime and anti-social behaviour on the borough, to critical incidents and violent crime.

[email protected]

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Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

Cinzia joined techUK in August 2023 as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager.

The JES programme represents suppliers, championing their interests in the blue light and criminal justice markets, whether they are established entities or newcomers seeking to establish their presence.

Prior to join techUK, Cinzia held positions within the third and public sectors, managing international and multi-disciplinary projects and funding initiatives. Cinzia has a double MA degree in European Studies from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and the University of Udine (Italy), with a focus on politics and international relations.

[email protected]

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Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Team Assistant, Markets, techUK

Ella joined techUK in November 2023 as a Markets Team Assistant, supporting the Justice and Emergency Services, Central Government and Financial Services Programmes.  

Before joining the team, she was working at the Magistrates' Courts in legal administration and graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2022.  Ella attained an undergraduate degree in History and Politics, and a master's degree in International Relations and Security Studies, with a particular interest in studying asylum rights and gendered violence.  

In her spare time she enjoys going to the gym, watching true crime documentaries, travelling, and making her best attempts to become a better cook.  

[email protected]

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