Refreshing The National Policing Digital Strategy: PDS Roundtable review
This roundtable was an opportunity to understand the PDS’s plans to refresh the National Policing Digital Strategy and where techUK members could feed in. We were delighted to be joined by,Ian Bell, Chief Executive Officer, Alex Bowen Chief Digital, Data and Technology Officer, Martin Leven, Head of Strategy and Innovation and, Owen White, Chief of Staff.
What PDS have achieved so far
Ian provided an overview of PDS’s achievements over its first year, highlighting the delivery of the National Enabling Programmes, the Government Convergence Framework, the National Standards programme and the Frontline Digital Mobility as key accomplishments.
Ian also outlined that the organisation has grown at an exponential rate, with the company having expanded from 30-40 staff to 230-240. Ian detailed that with this continued growth came an even greater commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse environment in order to deliver better outcomes for the PDS and ensure varied perspectives to help policing solve the sectors unique challenges.
Looking forward, the PDS will focus on delivering cloud across all police forces, rolling out video enabled policing across more forces, encouraging innovation and continue to develop the increasing use of digital forensics as well as the challenges PDS are working to solve across the Criminal Justice System.
Ian concluded his presentation stating that PDS wanted to create a new opportunity across National IT, enabling forces to make the most out their digital investments, remove barriers for suppliers, ensure the digital strategy is holistic and create more opportunities for regional forces to be more transformational.
Creating new opportunities; the PDS strategy refresh
Martin Leven, Head of Strategy and Innovation, explained why the refresh is needed, highlighting a combination of factors. These included, global events such as COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, climate change and the current economic situation combined with the pace that technology evolves at, and impending budget cuts have made the refresh ever more necessary.
Martin also emphasised that the strategy would have a key focus on sustainability, access and inclusion and will be designed to empower the private sector and help PDS identify opportunities to enable change and deliver at scale. The refreshed strategy will have 7 key themes focusing on:
1. data
2. strategic alignment and design
3. modernized core technology
4. connected technology
5. risk and security
6. talent in data and technology
7. transforming the policetech marketplace
Martin outlined that the refreshed plan would have 4 roadmaps providing a clear vision for 1. the PDS, 2. Industry, 3. Policing and 4. the Home Office/Arms’ Length Bodies such as the College of Policing and National Police Chiefs’ Council. The roadmaps will have SMART measurement criteria ensuring they are measurable and trackable, and will be reviewed every 3 years to ensure they are achieving targets.
Roadmap for industry
The roadmap for industry will aim to ensure a vibrant and competitive marketplace, encouraging competition aiming to provide insight, inform, influence and inspire. The roadmap will also outline how to bring in solutions that are working for forces overseas and where learnings can be taken from outside the UK.
It will also focus on outlining where industry can provide expertise in innovation, with a particular focus on skills, scaling and encourage forces to work with industry.
The PDS are expecting to launch the refreshed National Strategy at the PDS summit in September.

Call to action
Thank you to all those who have already completed the below survey. If you are yet to do so, please use the QR code below. This is your chance to provide feedback to the PDS on their proposed plans.
PDS are particularly keen to hear industry views on procurement (particularly regarding simplifying PDS/Policing engagement), data sharing, barriers to innovation and the development of a competitive and thriving marketplace.
It’s imperative that industry helps to shape PDS’ plans and for techUK members to directly input into the proposals.

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