17 Sep 2021

Recordings and Slides: 6G: Software Defined Radio and RF Sampling

This event took place on Thursday 16 September.

This University of Strathclyde led workshop, supported by DCMS and UK SPF, focused on software defined radio architectures and algorithms and physical layer implementation.

Presentation recordings and slides will be added over time so please check back.

If a session title is in blue and underlined a PDF of the slides has been linked. 

09:00-09:50: Introduction

09:50-10:50: Security and Sustainability

Session Chair: Paul Coffey, Scotland 5G Centre, VIDEO

10:50: Coffee

11:00-12:00: Software Defined Radio

Session Chair: Paul Coffey, Scotland 5G Centre

12:00-13:00: RF Sampling

Session Chair: H Nwana, Cenerva Ltd

13:00: Lunch

13:35-14:15: Spectrum Sharing

Session Chair: H Nwana, Cenerva Ltd

14:15-15:15: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled SDR

Session Chair: David Crawford, University of Strathclyde

15:15: Coffee

15:25-16:45: Candidate Bands for 6G Comms

Session Chair: David Crawford, University of Strathclyde

16:45: Review and Next Steps

  • Chair of Spectrum Policy Forum: Review, next steps and closing comments, Abhaya Sumanasena, Real Wireless and Steering Board Chair, UK SPF, SLIDES and VIDEO


Slides from the other two events in this series

University of Bristol led event on 26 May: https://www.techuk.org/resource/slides-6g-technology-enablers-for-spectrum-energy-efficient-wireless-access.html

University of Surrey led event on 1 July:  https://www.techuk.org/resource/slides-and-presentation-recordings-radio-access-network-techniques-for-6g.html

The three University-led events will help inform a number of recommendations to government, whilst also showcasing what relevant research is already being done in the UK.

The recommendations will be discussed at an open forum ahead of submission to government. 

Tuesday 5 October: https://www.techuk.org/what-we-deliver/events/uk-spf-cluster-2-review-of-the-draft-6g-research-white-paper-key-recommendations.html

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Jaynesh Patel

Jaynesh Patel

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Matthew Wild

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK