02 Nov 2021

Slides: UK SPF and techUK: RE-D, Changes Are Coming

This event took place during the morning of 27 October 2021 online under Chatham House rule.

This joint UK SPF and techUK event was Chaired by Tony Lavendar, Chair of UK SPF Cluster 3: Spectrum Value and Efficiency including Sharing. 

Changes are coming for businesses who place radio equipment on the market in Great Britain. This event explored these changes and more.

To access the slides click where it says 'SLIDES' below.


Chair: Tony Lavender, Cluster 3, UK SPF and Plum Consulting

RED Overview, Impacts, Standardisation & Certification - Alex Leadbeater, BT (and Chair of ETSI's Cyber group) - SLIDES

SafeShark Consumer IoT Cyber Security Conformance - Jonathan Marshall, SafeShark - SLIDES

Placing Radio Equipment on the GB and Northern Ireland markets: an update - Simon Pike, Independent - SLIDES

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Craig Melson

Craig Melson

Associate Director for Climate, Environment and Sustainability, techUK