02 Dec 2021

Slides: UK SPF Cluster 4, International: WRC-27's Agenda

This UK SPF Cluster 4, International: WRC-27's Agenda event was Chaired by Kumar Singarajah, Chair of UK SPF Cluster 4: International Spectrum Issues.

This SPF Cluster 4 meeting addressed topics to be considered or proposed for the ITU WRC-2027 agenda, seeking UK industry stakeholders inputs, views or proposals.

To access the slides click where it says 'SLIDES' below.


  • Introduction - Kumar, Chair of Cluster 4, UK SPF, SLIDES
  • Introduction by Ofcom on ITU WRC-27 (Preliminary Agenda, Principles for Establishing WRC Agenda and Example Resolution) – Stephen Talbot, Ofcom
  • Proposed new agenda item for WRC-2027; Allocation or identification of relevant bands above 100 GHz and below 1000 GHz for active services and applications - Simon Pike, Independent, SLIDES
  • Impacts of WRC-23 A 1.3 and 1.4 plus RES 59-2 and Proposed new agenda item for WRC-27 regarding accommodating PMSE - Brian Copsey, Copsey CommunicationsSLIDES
  • 6G spectrum perspectives - Stuart Cooke, GSASLIDES
  • Will WRC-27 be the last WRC of its kind as we know it kind? - Simon Pike, Independent, SLIDES
  • General Discussion:
  • AoB / Closure - Kumar, Chair of Cluster 4, UK SPF, SLIDES

Click here, to view the original event. 

For more information, please contact the below Secretariat Team:

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK