State of the Connected Home 2022

After the rapid uptake in smart home products during the pandemic, this year’s findings reveal how the UK connected home market is performing now that lockdown requirements have been removed. In particular we see how, as consumers become more aware of the connected home products that are available and how to use them, there is increasing investment beyond the traditional entertainment domain (TVs, speakers) for a wide range of functionalities including energy efficiency, home security, and living healthier lifestyles.
This report is a flagship project of techUK’s Connected Home Group, the community of techUK members interested in accelerating the adoption of connected home technologies. In addition to raising awareness around the multiple benefits and use cases of connected home tech, the Group also engages with policymakers to develop a regulatory environment that increases consumer trust and supports national policy objectives while providing space for innovation and differentiation.

The high levels of consumer interest in using connected home devices to improve their energy efficiency is not a surprise. It comes in part as a consequence of increasing public focus on sustainability and the need to transition to Net Zero, and of course, it’s also a response to increasing concerns around energy prices and the cost of living. This data was collected between April 2021 and March 2022, mostly prior to the invasion of Ukraine and the related spike in energy costs, so we expect that devices that are more energy efficient or that can nudge consumers towards more efficient practices will become ever more important over the coming year.”

The Connected Home report shows increasing consumer familiarity with the benefits of connected home devices – including energy efficiency. We see consumers willing to pay for higher-end devices across a wider range of functionalities - approximately 45% of consumers report that they would be willing to pay at least a little bit more for a smart product over an equivalent non-smart product, which in part is driving the overall higher unit values.
The techUK Podcast - The State of the Connected Home 2022
In this episode, our Head of Market Access & Consumer Technology Lewis Walmesley-Browne talks through the findings of the 2022 edition of the report with Trevor Godman from GfK who led the research.
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