07 Nov 2023
by Robert Walker

techUK and HDRUK - OMOP Roundtable review

techUK was delighted to host a recent roundtable with Health Data Research UK (HDRUK) to explore the use of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) for Secure Data Environments (SDEs).

David opened the discussion with an overview of HDRUK, outlining its mission to unite healthcare data across the UK via 3 main pillars: 

  1. Supporting health and boost UK science  

  1. Providing leadership to fix difficult technical problems 

  1. Accelerating and streamlining health data 

In order to achieve these objectives, David outlined HDRUK’s focus on Data Quality and Standards, in particular promoting the adoption of OMOP across the UK.  

Following this, members were invited to discuss the current challenges in using the OMOP CDM. These included: 

Data Quality 

  • Members saw the value of OMOP but outlined that data isn’t always in an accessible state 

  • Concerns were raised around hospitals knowing what data they actually held  

  • Deviation of data models across the four nations of the UK, in particular cancer research 

  • Different versions of OMOP being used in different areas 


  • Issue of staff training and lack of funding  

  • Members highlighted the need to familiarise researchers with OMOP 


  • Members felt there was a good opportunity for standardisation across SDEs 

The conversation then moved on to how to advance the use of OMOP. The discussion centred around the creation of a minimum viable dataset and the role of use cases in highlighting the potential of OMOP. Members then discussed the role of industry in advancing OMOP, including helping Trusts ‘OMOPify’ their data warehouses and showcasing research that couldn’t be done without it.  

If you would like to learn more about HDRUK please view the presentation below: 

231101 UK HDR Alliance - techUK OMOP roundtable.pdf

Health and Social Care Programme

With health and care systems around the globe facing increasing pressures, the use of digital technology has never been more important. Supporting a vibrant ecosystem with the potential to become a world leader, techUK is helping its members navigate the complex space of digital health and care in the UK and ensure our NHS is prepared for the challenges of the future.

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Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Viola Pastorino

Viola Pastorino

Junior Programme Manager, Health and Care Team, techUK

Clara Hewitt

Clara Hewitt

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK

Rachel Kennedy

Rachel Kennedy

Programme Manager Health and Social Care, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK



Robert Walker