techUK announces new Scale-Up Council

techUK has elected a new Scale-Up Council and we’re delighted to have such a great calibre of individuals and organisations represented. This council exists to set the strategic direction for our work to support scale-up firms at techUK and will sit for a fixed term of 2 years.

The Scale-Up Council is as follows and we’ll be shortly electing a Chair:

  • Amy Burnett, Head of KPMG Private Enterprise Access, KPMG
  • Bill Hodson, Consulting Director, Cambridge Consultants
  • Casey Calista, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Vorboss
  • Daniel Quirke, Public Policy Manager, Wayve
  • Hollie Hodgson, Head of Account Management, Tussell
  • Jamie Hodsdon, Global Regulatory and Public Affairs Lead, Oxa
  • Liz Ashall-Payne, Founding CEO, ORCHA Health
  • Manish Garg, Managing Director, VE3
  • Mike Eisenberg, Founding Partner, Genuine Capital
  • Mireille Elhajj, CEO, Astra-Terra
  • Paul Connell, Executive Chair, The Data City
  • Robin Beattie, Scale Up National Director, Hays
  • Steve Kingan, Chairman, Nexor
  • Timea Strihova, Head of Brussels, Trilligent
  • Zeynep Zymek, UK&I Startups Senior Account Manager, Amazon Business UK 

We would like to thank all the members who put themselves forward for the Council. It was a highly competitive process and not being on the Council does not mean you can not get involved with our climate work.

Mia Haffety

Mia Haffety

Policy Manager - Digital Economy, techUK

Neil Ross

Neil Ross

Associate Director, Policy, techUK


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