techUK comments on the Telecommunications Security Bill

The government will today publish the Telecommunications (Security) Bill, which aims to give the government unprecedented new powers to boost the security standards of the UK's telecoms networks and remove the threat of high risk vendors. On the publication of the Bill, CEO of techUK, Julian David said:

"Gigabit connectivity is an essential driver of a levelled up economic recovery. We support the Government’s drive to strengthen security and maintain trust in our telecoms networks.

Government has promised an accompanying Diversification Strategy to expand the number of vendors available in the UK. It must deliver on this promise with a strategy that is ambitious, fully funded and maximises opportunities for UK companies in areas such as software, small cells and semiconductors."

techUK will be participating in the detailed consultation as part of this legislation - get in touch with the Communications Infrastructure Programme team to find out more.

Julian David OBE

Julian David OBE

CEO, techUK

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Matthew Wild

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK