techUK launches new Digital Ethics in 2019 paper
Today techUK has launched a new paper to highlight the key actions that must be focused on to move the digital ethics debate forward. The Digital ethics in 2019 paper aims to help ensure that digital ethics is regarded as relevant and beneficial to the real lives people lead.
techUK has identified the following eight actions:
1. Make the digital ethics debate relevant and valuable to people
2. Engage with the public across the whole of the UK
3. Demonstrate how ethics is having an impact
4. Think digital ethics not just AI ethics
5. Create a joined-up approach through coordination of initiatives and activities
6. Embed ethical decision making in business decision making
7. Ensure regulators have the capability and capacity needed to consider ethics
8. The UK must continue to play a role in the international ethics debate.
On 11 December 2019, during techUK’s third annual Digital Ethics Summit, techUK will look assess the progress made by the digital ethics community during the year.
Commenting on the paper, Antony Walker, deputy CEO, techUK said:
"techUK’s Digital Ethics in 2019 paper reflects an imperative need to move digital ethics from debate to action."
"If we are going to build greater public trust and confidence in technological innovations, we must demonstrate how digital ethics can deliver real answers to real concerns.”
"2019 is the year we need to move digital ethics out of the conference room and into the Board room and business practices of organisations across the country. We have plenty of examples to demonstrate that thoughtful ethical practices support innovation and actually leads to better practices, products and services. We therefore look forward to working with a wide range of people, companies and organisations to make this happen.”