techUK Local Government Skills Survey
Do you work or recruit in the tech profession within Local Government? Then we would like to invite you to fill in the short survey below.
As part of our ongoing commitment to collecting and sharing meaningful insight to Local Government as part of our Local Public Services Committee we're examining the technology workforce and skills trends within the Local Government Sector.
These insights will be shared with Local Government to help shape the focus for Technology in the future and address some of the barriers and how to support the development of a diverse workforce for the future. Based on the data provided we will provide you with recommendations on how you can make small changes to impact positive outcomes to ensure everyone can reap the benefits of your digital transformation.
The survey will only take around 5 minutes to complete and all responses are kept completely anonymous. When taking the survey, please do not use the 'Back' button on your browser as you'll lose any progress. Instead, you can use the 'Back' button within the survey at the bottom of each page if you wish to change or review your results.
Thank you for sharing your views and helping to shape the workforce of tomorrow.
You can learn more about the work done by the Local Public Services Committee and how to get involved here.
If you are a member or industry, we encourage you to share the survey with your council partners, so they gain these pivotal insights to put in place the training and strategies needed to reap the full benefits that technology can provide.

Georgina Maratheftis
Georgina is techUK’s Associate Director for Local Public Services

Ileana Lupsa
Ileana Lupsa is the Programme Manager for Local Public Services and Nations and Regions, at techUK.
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