The techUK podcast: Quantum Readiness Series - Moving from concept to commercialisation in quantum computing

Listen to the next instalment of the Quantum Readiness series.

In this podcast, Sam Genway, Principal Technologist, Capgemini, James Cruise, Associate Director Quantum Algorithms, Cambridge Consultants, and  Jasper Krauser, Quantum Technology Central Coordinator, Airbus join Laura Foster, techUK's Associate Director for Technology and Innovation to talk about moving from concept to commercialisation in quantum computing.

Quantum computing will unlock real world value across drug discovery, logistical optimisation and more. However, it will require correctly identifying the specific use cases and navigating the complex journey towards long-term implementation. This means a radical rethinking of workflows, business appetite and operational behaviour.

In other words, the progress in quantum computing driven by exciting hardware breakthroughs, and the potential this will bring for businesses, could be undermined by uncertainty and a lack of consideration what algorithms and applications will be run to provide real commercial value.

As such, this podcast explored how businesses can drive long term commercial value from their early investments into quantum computing. It showcased how integration is as much a change in operational behaviour as it is technological capability. Sharing examples of moving from proof of concepts to implementation, it shared some of the lesser understood challenges that are critical to overcome to drive value.



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