techUK response to the Call for Views on the Cyber Governance Code of Practice
On 19th March, techUK responded to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology's Call for Views on the draft Cyber Governance Code of Practice.
The Code sets out the critical governance areas directors need to tackle in order to protect their organisations. The Code is designed to be simple to use, with the relevant information all in one place. It is for organisations of all sizes.
techUK's response highlighted the following themes:
- techUK and its members broadly supported the principles outlined in the Code of Practice. However, concerns were expressed around the liklihood that this could cause duplication with existing guidance. This would create additional burdens for the sector, with a particular impact on small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
- The Code should signpost to existing material which has been produced by standards bodies like ISO/IEC SC27 or explanatory content via stakeholders, such as NCSC.
- Language should be used that resonates with executives and Boards to ensure there is investment from organisations and that the importance of good cyber governance is well understood.
- Government should collaborate with industry, and stakeholders, along with leveraging existing resources like the Cyber Essentials Programme.
For a more detailed understanding of techUK's recommendations, please read full consultation response.
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