techUK Response to the DRCF's call for input on their 2024/5 workplan

techUK has responded to the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum's call for input on their workplan for 2024-2025.

The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) brings together the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and Ofcom to facilitate collaboration on digital regulation.

techUK and its members continue to be supportive of the DRCF model, seeing this as an effective way of achieving regulatory coordination and coherence across the UK’s major regulators who focus on digital services. Feedback fell into several key fields of work: Digital ID, AI, international regulatory issues and stakeholder engagement. In each, techUK outlined how the DRCF can work to ensure regulation supports innovation and a good business environment, while flexibly including emerging technologies.

In preparing our response to the DRCF’s call for input, techUK hosted a roundtable between the DRCF and techUK’s membership. techUK welcomes direct engagement of this kind by the DRCF and the comments made at the roundtable were incorporated into the submission. This response is further informed by techUK’s own engagement with the DRCF as well as feedback from members over the last year.

You can find techUK's full response here


Archie Breare

Archie Breare

Public Affairs Manager, techUK


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