techUK's Future Private Networks Week 2022

Welcome to techUK's Future Private Networks campaign week 2022, in which we celebrated the technology, innovation and expertise in the UK’s private networks sector, as we look to accelerate adoption, increase demand and help the UK realise the benefits of advanced connectivity for enterprise and the public sector. 



From 16-20 May 2022, we shone a spotlight on real-life use cases of advanced communications services across different sectors of industry and the public sector, and the cutting-edge technologies delivering benefits and service improvement for UK businesses. We also sought answers to how we can transition from trials and one-off projects to widespread adoption of private networks across the UK’s nations and regions. 

#techUKPrivateNetworks is the culmination of techUK’s private networks activity from the past year, including the publication of our brand new guide for prospective users, helping build a clear business case for deployment. 

Take a look at all of the guest blogs and insights from members and stakeholders below.

Monday - Beyond testbeds: real life use cases and lessons learned


Tuesday - Let’s talk innovation: New and emerging tech shaping private networks of the future


Wednesday - Security and resilience: protecting networks and users


Thursday - What next? Overcoming challenges to achieve widespread adoption


Friday - Diversifying Telecoms: open and disaggregated private networks


Join the conversation #techUKPrivateNetworks

Private networks: a new user guide by techUK

Our #techUKPrivateNetworks campaign week celebrated the publication of a new user guide techUK has produced, to help prospective private networks customers, across enterprise and the public sector, understand the key benefits of adopting advanced connectivity in their organisations. The guide helps users as they formulate a business case for investing in enhanced private networks, and the key success factors. We also shine a spotlight on several case studies. 

Private networks: a techUK user guide

Gain a clear understanding of the benefits of adopting private network technology for your business with this techUK user guide.

Download for free

Private network ecosystem: Management model - A new techUK guide

techUK's Advanced Communications Services Working Group created a new guide for organisations considering building out services using 5G networking technology entitled 'Private network ecosystem: Management model'

It introduces and describes the principles of neutral hosts, and then goes on to describe the architecture and ecosystem which supports the provision of shared services, particularly in the context of high capacity/low latency applications, which will drive 5G deployment. While this paper is focussed on 5G, many of the principles of neutral hosts, and the discussion of edge versus core provision will apply to other technologies such as Wi-Fi, including Wi-Fi 6.

Private network ecosystem: Management model

A technical guide by techUK for users of private networks, outlining how the ecosystem is managed. It outlines the architecture of edge native applications in the architecture of the ecosystem, the value chain and operating models, resilience, operations, and the role of Neutral Hosts. 

Download for free

The techUK podcast: Making the case for Private Networks

In this episode of the techUK podcast, we explore the topic of private networks for enterprise, specifically, how we can accelerate the deployment of private networks from beyond the testbed phase and drive adoption across industry and the public sector.  

The episode covers the key challenges for enterprise customers that the telecoms sector can address with advanced connectivity services, including 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and how we, the supplier base, can effectively deliver on the benefits of private networks. 

Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy at techUK, joins a conversation with Simon Parry, CTO at Nokia EnterpriseCatherine Gull, Consultant at Cellnex and Dez O’Connor, Senior Manager at Cisco. Sophie also catches up with Mike Kennett, Senior Consultant & Head of Regulatory Affairs at Freshwave

Event round-up: techUK's Private Networks innovation showcase

On 17 May 2022, techUK's Communications Infrastructure and Services Programme hosted an innovation showcase at the techUK office, inviting speakers from across the telecoms ecosystem to share their innovative products and services shaping private networks in the UK and beyond.

Head to our Event Round-Up to catch up

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK