18 Mar 2024
by Aashna Puri

The importance of female representation and diversity in the data centre industry  

As a woman working in the data centre industry, International Women’s Day is a great time to reflect on representation in our sector and what we can do to continue to create a more inclusive and balanced industry. Importantly, the very notion of equality is multifaceted and encompasses various aspects of our identity extending beyond gender; it interests with race, sexual orientation and accessibility from all groups present in our society. It goes without saying that encouraging a more diverse representation in the data centre sector amplifies the potential of what we can achieve in the technology industry as a whole. When searching for ways to strengthen female representation in the tech sector, we need to first acknowledge the existence of gender bias and its impact on women's experiences in this sector. To become better allies to women, we must keep an open dialogue and champion more awareness-raising initiatives, whilst holding leaders and decision-makers accountable for creating equitable workplaces through data-driven metrics and transparent reporting.  

It is our job to inspire new generations of brilliant women to join our industry as well as attract and retain more diverse candidates. In this respect, the data centre sector has an incredible amount to offer to people who are mission-driven. Data is growing at an unprecedented rate as we become increasingly reliant on technology to live, entertain, communicate, and work. This industry is committed to meeting this demand to allow everyone to live their best lives while doing so in a way that is sustainable and beneficial to the communities where data centres are located. These are real societal challenges and opportunities that we are addressing and, as a result, it is a career in which people can help drive the future whilst also making a real difference.  

There are however quite a few misconceptions preventing the industry from reaching its ambitious targets for inclusivity and equality. For instance, many still believe in women’s lack of interest in technology subjects, lack of competence compared to their male counterparts, or inability for long-term work commitments and work-life balance due to prioritising a family over a career. These are obviously unsubstantiated and misplaced attitudes. What’s more, these narrow conceptions have meant that many women do not see relevant opportunities for themselves in this industry. To counteract these trends, we should investigate these misconceptions closely and intervene on the reasons validating them through viable solutions. For instance, the industry might benefit further from implementing more family-friendly policies, remote working arrangements, and supporting women at all stages of their careers. CyrusOne is a relatively young company, and we have just embarked on the journey of diversity and inclusion aiming to bridge these gaps through mentorship programs, scholarships, and bias-free hiring policies. As we look ahead, it’s important that we continue to battle these misperceptions head-on.  

Finally, drawing from my personal experience, I would encourage women from all backgrounds who wish to pursue a career in technology to be proactive and vocal about their needs and ambitions: ask for fair compensation and firmly advocate for their career advancement, seeking out companies that prioritise diversity and inclusion in their leadership and policies. And as we all progress further in our careers, it is crucial that we give back by mentoring and supporting other women through their professional journey. It’s clear that the untapped potential of the female workforce is staggering. The industry has acknowledged this diversity gap and lack of female representation, which is an important step. Now, we must come together to address it. 

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Aashna Puri

Aashna Puri

Director, Strategy & Sustainability, CyrusOne