12 Jun 2024
by Ritesh Nandurkar

The potential of Gen AI in transforming Open Banking

When it comes to using Generative AI for automation, the sky is the limit & banking is not an exclusion. The financial services industry has a golden opportunity to transform with generative AI. According to McKinsey, Gen AI could add up to 4.4 trillion dollars annually in value across the 63 use cases it analyzed. Among industry sectors, banking is expected to have one of the largest opportunities. According to McKinsey, the annual revenue increase for banks utilizing the technology is estimated at $200-$340 billion, equivalent to 9–15% of operating profits. This blog explores how generative AI can enhance open banking, the potential applications, and the transformative benefits for consumers and financial institutions.  

Understanding Generative AI  

Generative AI allows users to input various prompts and generates new content, such as text, images, videos, sounds, code, 3D designs, and more. Generative AI evolves as it continues to train on more data, adapting its output based on patterns and context. Gen AI, with its capability to create content, analyze patterns, and predict outcomes, is set to impact the world of open banking significantly. The fusion of these two technologies promises to bring unprecedented innovation, efficiency, and personalization to financial services.  

What is Open Banking Exactly? 

Open banking enables individuals to authorize third-party providers like fintech companies and digital platforms to access their financial data, opening new and innovative financial services. Open Banking operates on data sharing, customer consent, and value generation principles. This data sharing empowers businesses to gain deeper insights into their customer's financial requirements, enabling them to deliver more personalized and customized financial products and services. 

Transforming Open Banking with Generative AI  

Open banking, which facilitates secure data sharing between financial institutions and third-party providers through APIs, can greatly benefit from generative AI in several ways:  

1. Personalized Financial Services  

Generative AI can analyze large amounts of financial data to provide highly personalized financial advice and services. It includes:  

  • Customized Investment Strategies: AI-generated insights tailored to individual risk profiles and financial goals. AI can provide personalized recommendations for building and managing investment portfolios by considering risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment preferences.  
  • Personalized Budgeting Tips: Automated suggestions for managing expenses based on spending habits. AI can identify opportunities to optimize spending, reduce unnecessary costs, and allocate resources more effectively. For example, AI may suggest areas where individuals can cut back on expenses or identify potential savings opportunities based on their financial behaviour. 
  • Dynamic Financial Planning: Using machine learning algorithms, AI can adjust financial forecasts and planning strategies in real-time based on changes in income, expenses, and market conditions. 

2. Enhanced Customer Interactions  

Generative AI can power advanced chatbots and virtual assistants that provide more natural and effective customer service. These AI-driven agents can:  

  • Answer Complex Queries: Provide detailed explanations and guidance on financial products and services. Imagine a customer contacting a financial institution with intricate questions about investment strategies, tax implications, or mortgage refinancing. Traditional chatbots might struggle with these nuanced queries, but generative AI can shine. 
  • Proactive Support: Predict customer needs and offer timely assistance or product recommendations. Generative AI doesn't wait for customers to ask questions; it anticipates their needs. Analyzing historical data, behavioural patterns, and user preferences predicts what assistance a customer might require. 
  • Seamless Communication: Maintain context-aware conversations across different platforms and devices. Generative AI enables consistent and context-aware conversations across various touchpoints—web chat, mobile apps, social media, and voice assistants. 

3. Advanced Fraud Detection and Risk Management  

Generative AI has a crucial impact on improving security in open banking. This is how it does so: 

  • Pattern Recognition: Generative AI algorithms examine transaction data to detect abnormal patterns that could suggest fraudulent behaviour. For example, abrupt, significant withdrawals, irregular spending habits, or transactions from unanticipated locations may prompt alerts. 
  • Predictive Analytics: Gen AI analyzes historical data to predict potential security breaches or financial risks before they occur. This proactive approach helps banks take preventive measures.  
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitoring transactions and user behaviour allows instant detection of suspicious activities. If a transaction seems anomalous, the system can trigger or block alerts. 

4. Streamlined Regulatory Compliance  

Compliance with regulatory requirements is crucial in banking. Regulation is a high cost for banks. Fortunately, Gen AI is improving outcomes and lowering costs. Generative AI can assist by:  

  • Automating Documentation: Generative AI assists in generating accurate reports and documentation required for regulatory submissions. This automation reduces manual effort and ensures compliance. 
  • Policy Adherence: Gen AI ensures that all transactions and data-sharing activities comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. It helps banks avoid penalties and legal issues. 
  • Continuous Auditing: Real-time compliance checks and alerts help banks stay on top of regulatory requirements. Any potential violations are flagged promptly, allowing corrective actions to be taken. 

5. Innovative Financial Products  

Generative AI can drive the creation of new financial products and services by:  

  • Data-Driven Product Development: Generative AI analyzes market trends, customer preferences, and historical data to design innovative financial solutions. For example, it can identify gaps in existing products and propose new offerings. 
  • Scenario Simulation: GenAI simulates its performance in various scenarios before launching a new financial product. This helps predict how customers will respond and whether the product is viable. 
  • Automated Contract Generation: Smart contracts, enabled by GenAI, automatically uphold the terms and conditions of financial agreements. These contracts are implemented according to predetermined rules, minimizing manual involvement and guaranteeing transparency. 

Potential Applications of Generative AI in Open Banking  

The intersection of generative AI and open banking opens up numerous exciting applications:  

1. Intelligent Financial Advisors  

Generative AI can power robot-advisors that provide personalized investment advice and portfolio management, adjusting strategies based on real-time data and market conditions.  

2. Automated Loan Processing  

AI can streamline loan application processes by analyzing credit histories, generating risk assessments, and automating approval workflows, making lending faster and more efficient.  

3. Personalized Marketing Campaigns  

Banks can use generative AI to create targeted marketing campaigns, crafting personalized messages and offers based on individual customer profiles and behaviours.  

4. Predictive Maintenance for Financial Health  

AI can monitor customers' financial activities and predict potential financial difficulties, offering proactive advice and solutions to maintain financial health.  

Transformative Benefitsof Gen AI 

The integration of generative AI into open banking offers several transformative benefits:  

1. Increased Efficiency  

Automating routine tasks and processes with generative AI reduces operational costs and improves efficiency, allowing banks to focus on strategic initiatives.  

2. Enhanced Customer Experience  

By providing personalized, timely, and context-aware services, generative AI enhances the overall customer experience, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.  

3. Improved Security  

Advanced AI-driven fraud detection and risk management systems provide enhanced security, protecting customers and financial institutions from potential threats.  

4. Greater Innovation  

The ability to rapidly develop and scale new financial products and services fosters innovation, giving banks a competitive edge in the market.  


In conclusion, integrating generative AI into open banking presents immense opportunities for transformation and growth in the financial services industry. By leveraging generative AI's ability to analyze data, predict outcomes, and create personalized experiences, banks can deliver innovative financial products, enhance customer interactions, streamline regulatory compliance, and improve risk management. This fusion of generative AI and open banking can bring unprecedented efficiency, personalization, and security to the industry, ultimately benefiting customers and financial institutions. As we continue to explore applications of gen AI in open banking, it is clear that Gen AI can revolutionize how we interact with financial services, driving value, innovation, and profitability. The future of banking indeed looks promising with the integration of generative AI.  Read more such insights or get in touch with us today!


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Andy Thornley

Andy Thornley

Head of Financial Services, techUK

Andy joined techUK in August 2022 as Head of Programme – Financial Services. His role includes leading techUK’s work in building a greater understanding of the 'technological art of the possible' in order to apply it to the reform and evolution of financial systems.

Before joining techUK, Andy worked for a number of other bodies in the financial services sector, including the British Insurance Brokers’ Association, where in addition to owning policy and public affairs, he was also responsible for fostering InsurTech in the sector.

Andy has a degree in Human Biology and holds a Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII) qualification from the Chartered Insurance Institute. Outside of work, Andy is an avid cyclist and races competitively both on the road as well as the velodrome.
[email protected]

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Ella Gago-Brookes

Ella Gago-Brookes

Team Assistant, Markets, techUK

Ella joined techUK in November 2023 as a Markets Team Assistant, supporting the Justice and Emergency Services, Central Government and Financial Services Programmes.  

Before joining the team, she was working at the Magistrates' Courts in legal administration and graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2022.  Ella attained an undergraduate degree in History and Politics, and a master's degree in International Relations and Security Studies, with a particular interest in studying asylum rights and gendered violence.  

In her spare time she enjoys going to the gym, watching true crime documentaries, travelling, and making her best attempts to become a better cook.  

[email protected]

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Ritesh Nandurkar

Ritesh Nandurkar

Digital Marketing Trainee, VE3